Because last night Eric and the kids are playing and Payton passes Eric up (which never happens) and she says "phew, that's the most exciting thing that's ever happend to me. Thank you, Jesus!". Lol. Exciting lives we live, huh? ;)
On a side note, school shopping for Cameron is completely finished:
school supplies-check
socks and shoes-check
Now I just have to wait to get Payton's list in the mail so we can start all over! AHH!
little Payton is chalk-full of cute zingers!
i am still waiting patiently for the boys school supply lists to arrive ... hehe. i have SO MUCH MORE FUN shopping for their supplies than they do!
i agree with the above ^^. payt says the CUTEst thing. ha. she get it from her mama ;)
i miss school supply shopping. i sort of miss school. omg, gasp. i said it. maybe one more year off, lol.
glad yall are having fun with the game!
Ali and I want to see Cam's new do. Please take some pics for us.
Okay me and Miss Payton could be best friends. It's all about the little things, man.
Oh, the school supply aisles at Target make my heart go pitter patter. Seriously.
See... me and payt. All the way.
We should try for another Mario Kart night sometime this weekend! Let us know what time you guys will be free to play.
BTW: Glad you got all the supplies in order for Cam...hope it is just as easy for Paytee.
OK I'm back. And here we go...
1. I LOVEd your voice the first time we all talked J That southern drawl!
2. Hello Goodbye, The Beatles, awwwwww yeah.
3. I can totally picture us eating cheetos together. Do you even like cheetos? hahaha.
4. Hellohhh?! Hellawwwhhh? Hellllllll-oh? Bwahahahaha.
5. Being nervous to ask if you'd do a CJ with me/us! And you said sure and the rest is history, lol.
6. Jennifer Anniston.
7. When is our next conf. call?
xo and miss you! dcg.
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