Friday, December 29, 2006


By the fabulous Ms. Deanna. So here goes nothing.
A - Available or single: Trick question? Neither :)
B - Best Friend: Eric
C - Cake or Pie: Yes, please.
D - Drink of choice: Cherry Limeade (Sunkist can or Sonic's)
E - Essential item you use everyday: The Computer
F - Favorite color: A combo of red, teal and pink.
G - Gummy Bears or worms: Neither, I detest all things gummy.
H - Hometown:Lafayette
I - Indulgence: Scrapbook supplies, definitely
J - January or February: January, for the newness of it all.
K - Kids & Names: Cameron & Payton
L - Life is Incomplete Without? My family
M-Marriage Date: June 5, 1999
N - Number of Siblings: 3 all sisters & all younger than me.
O - Oranges or Apples: Oranges
P - Phobias or Fears: Snakes, for sure
Q - Favorite Quote: "I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart."Van Gogh
R - Reason to Smile: The funny things that my kids say
S - Season: Fall
T - Tag 3 or 4 people:
  • Ali
  • Jill
  • Sarah

  • U - Unknown Fact about Me: I'm pretty tall. Ok so some of you know that already, but some might not. 5'11"
    V - Vegetable You Don't Like: Brussel sprouts
    W - Worst Habit: I bite my nails when I'm nervous or stressed
    X - Xrays: Mostly tooth related.
    Y - Your Fave Food: Boiled seafood-especially crabs and crawfish. YUM!
    Z - Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius. Is that how you spell it? I so don't follow those things.

    Wednesday, December 27, 2006

    Back to Life, Back to Reality

    Thankfully, things are slowly returning to normal around here. Eric went back to work today. Christmas was a good one, it's the getting up to Christmas that I'm not so fond of. When Eric works all the time and things are just sheer craziness! But everythings returning to normal. Then he has a 4 day weekend coming up so more to celebrate. LoL.

    Christmas Eve was nice. Despite the pouring down rain ALL day long! But the kids and I went to church (Eric worked) and then to my parents house for Christmas Eve lunch with my dad, who was leaving for work at 2. So he opened his gifts and we ate, then left for home so that I could cook dinner. I cooked a fig preserve stuffed pork loin-and Brandy, it came out great- everyone enjoyed it. We stuffed ourselves silly and then opened lots of gifts.

    Christmas morning, we woke up, the kids checked to see what Santa had brought. Cameron-a huge race track. Although I'm not sure if he brought it for Cameron or Eric;) And Payton a set of twin baby dolls, a carriage for them, and a baby doctor set. We dressed and went to my in-laws for Christmas day. We played dirty Santa, where about half of us ended up with our own gift. LoL. And the kids took turns running fever and sleeping on us all day. And they are still sick. Running fever off and on and coughing and just generally cranky. Fun times.

    Hope that all of your Christmases were fabulous! And that you all have a great week. Can you believe that 2007 is only a few days away??

    Sunday, December 24, 2006

    Merry Christmas

    Just had a minute, so I wanted to pop in and tell you all merry Christmas one last time. Anyhoo, wanted to post this video on the blog, but for some reason, it's not working. Oh well, click here for some Louisiana Christmas cheer!!

    Thursday, December 21, 2006

    The Real Reason We Celebrate...

    It's really easy to forget sometimes with all the shopping, gift giving, decorating, eating. With all the craziness of Christmas it's easy to forget why we celebrate in the first place. But Eric and I were reminded last night. We went to see the Nativity Story movie. If you have the time to see this before Christmas, do. It's about sacrifice and obedience, but most of all, it's about the greatest gift the world has ever received.
    Since I probably won't be posting again before, I want to wish all of my blog readers a very Merry Christmas! I'm so thankful for you all!

    Friday, December 15, 2006

    I'm Dreaming of A

    White Christmas. And that's about the closest I'm gonna come. A dream. Since tomorrow's supposed to be 80 degrees, it's likely to not even be cold for Christmas. Yuck. Just doesn't feel like Christmas when people are in shorts and T's. But on the bright side, I've mailed out my Christmas cards, goodies for the CJ girlies, and I am about a quarter of the way finished with my Christmas painting. Still have a TON of painting to do and chocolate covered pretzels & cookies to make and shopping to finish, and a house that's been sorely neglected with all the painting going on. Ok maybe that's not a bright side. It all sounded a little better in my head. Lol.

    Usually, I cannot wait for Christmas to come and go with Eric working so very hard, and coming in late. But actually this year, hasn't been bad at all. It almost doesn't feel like Christmas because usually, he works very late and comes in exhausted. Not so much this year. The only bad thing is that he has to work all day Christmas Eve. That I'm not so thrilled about. The day will fly by I'm sure. So much to do. This year I actually wish there was about one more week before Christmas to get everything done!

    I'm really not too sure how I found the time to scrap these. The scrapbook store has been having some really good sales for the 12 days of Christmas. Payton and I went on Tuesday and when we got home she wanted to scrap. So I pulled out some stuff and we scrapped for about an hour. She's been such a trooper with all the painting and other things going on.

    Hope everyone has a wonderfully fabulous weekend. I am hoping to get a ton of things done! Only 10 days left! AACK!

    Tuesday, December 12, 2006

    My Blog Readers...

    Sorry I haven't updated in a while. It's been very hectic around here, yet very boring. Not much to blog about! Eric's crazy time of year has started and he's been getting off a little late and working Saturdays. Although this Saturday we had two birthday parties. One was a movie party and the movie was Happy Feet. Has anyone seen this movie? So inappropriate for kids, I thought. Luckily, both of my kids slept through most of it and probably didn't understand what they did see. I was quite shocked at some of the songs. (I'll Make Love to You, Let's Talk About-I'm pretty sure he said X, but you get the gist.) Not for kiddies, in my humble opinion. That's why I kinda like to stick with the G movies for my 2. At 2 and 5, they don't need to hear those things in a movie. Sadly, I'm sure they'll hear it soon enough in school. The mom and dad that hosted the party came up to me after and were like "was that a kid's movie"? Sadly yes it was supposed to be. Enough rambling.

    Enjoying getting to know my new camera. Thinking of giving it a name like Elsie did. lol. I love it so very much!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day. And to all my blog readers who are AHS alumni (all 2 of you). STATE CHAMPS BABY! Woot woot!

    Wednesday, December 06, 2006


    So it's been nice and chilly here in good old South Louisiana lately. Although it seems as though by next week, we'll be back to running the AC again. It was good while it lasted.
    Our fountain in the backyard was frozen. So yes, it's been cold. 2 nights ago we actually got down to 25 degrees. I love that! I just wish it would hang around a little longer. Today's gonna be almost 70 :(

    So round 2 of the Christmas card pic taking took place and it was not pleasant. The kids were not thrilled with having to go another round of picture taking. But I got a few good ones.

    And some not so good ones.
    At one point, they had me laughing so hard, I was crying. When these 2 get started, it's something else. Crazies I tell you. They get that from their Daddy;)

    Monday, December 04, 2006

    So 30 Has Arrived...

    And of course, I don't feel any different. It was a wonderful weekend! It started on Friday night, when I brought the kids to my parent's house for the night and Eric and I had a date night. So nice and quiet. And just to further the notion of the fact that we are getting old, we were asleep by 10:30, right after watching the news. Oh goodness, we do sound old! But it was a great night nonetheless.

    Saturday we finished up Christmas shopping for the kiddies before picking them up. So excited about that. When we got home, I got to open my birthday gift. There had been a small box on the buffet for the last few days, wrapped with wrapping from the store that he works at, so I of course figured jewelry. But turns out, it was just a memory card for this baby...

    As soon as I saw the memory card, I was asking "where is it?" LoL. So he comes in with the camera, a carrying bag and some other accessories. I had been asking for this for Christmas, but he wanted to make it a birthday gift so that we could get pics of all the Christmas festivities. Sigh. I was pretty excited to say the least. I spent some time reading up on it, but there are so many features I was a little overwhelmed. I can take a basic pic and I guess that's good enough for now. So, anyway, here are a few of the pics that I've taken. On Sunday, we went to church, out for lunch and the local Christmas parade, then home to put together a gingerbread house.
    I had a few others to share, but blogger won't allow it. So anyway, I love this thing. And Christmas card pics will be retaken, hopefully this afternoon because I really need to get busy!

    And I can't forget to give a HUGE shoutout to my CJ/blog/2Peas girls! Oh my goodness. They each made me a LOST themed page for my birthday. I was so excited looking through everyone's page. You girls rock. Thank you all so very much! Have a great Monday everyone!! :)

    On to Jr. High!