Thursday, May 31, 2007


was interesting. Last day of school. So at approximately 3:27pm, I go out to wait for the bus like I do everyday. Well this time, the bus goes flying by our stop without so much as a pause. I cannot quite explain the feeling that comes over you at that point. When your son should've gotten off, but the bus never even thinks of stopping. So I watch way down the street as he stops at the next stop, thinking surely Cameron will get off there. But he doesn't. So I run in the house dragging Payton behind me. Grab my shoes, purse, keys and run to the garage to start jumping in when I hear the familiar squeaky bus brakes. I run out of the garage to see Cameron coming. With a little doggie hat on his head, his nap mat, a bag and his booksack. In tears. As was I. I'm like hugging him in the middle of the street at this point so relieved. He had so much that he was carrying, I guess he got distracted and forgot to get up for his stop. A HUGE thank you to the bus driver though who never even thought about pausing to make sure that my 5 year old wasn't on the bus. :( I was quite upset. And on the last day of school.

On another brighter and happier note, Payton has been asking for a big girl bike. Well her birthday has passed and Christmas is still kinda far off. We've been putting it off and trying to make it to Christmas. So anyhoo, we're walking through Walmart on Sunday and find this little gem.

A $43.00 bike on clearance for $12.00. The only problem? The back tire is flat as a pancake and needs a new tube. Cost of tube? $2.50. Total cost of bike $14.50. She is riding like a big girl already. It took her a few hours to get the hang of it, but she's now riding like a pro. It has a bell, streamers, a little bag on the front, and her absolute fave-the baby seat on the back to ride CoCo around in. She has not ridden it yet without her baby in tow. Such a good find.

So summer has begun. All the kids out of school and it's supposed to be mid 90's by next week. And I'm soooo happy that it's Friday. Next week's our anniversary and I'm planning a little overnighter to Baton Rouge. We did the same thing last year, but it was so nice to just get away.

So happy that it's Friday (I've mentioned that already, huh?). AAAAHHHH. Why can't they all be short weeks like this one?

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Happy Birthday...

to two of my little sisters. Well maybe they're not so little. Jenny (the one with her hair in a ponytail) turns 27 today. And Becky (on the other side of me) turns 24 on Saturday. Happy Birthday, to you both. I love both of you very much!!
No we did not plan to all wear brown tank tops this day. It just happend that we did. And there's one sis missing. Amy, who is much too cool to go on a family vacay with us, so she stayed home.
So how was everyone's holiday weekend? Nice over here. Very busy. But nice. I took Payton to a dance recital on Sunday afternoon. I registered her for dancing at this place, so they sent us 2 tickets to go check out the recital. I liked it, for the most part. I wasn't so crazy about the costumes. I was told that their costumes were a little cheap compared to the other place here in town. I could see that. They did look a little thrown together. But the dancing was good, so I guess that's all that matters.

Yesterday, we gained about 10 pounds each. We had company over and I made crab cakes, Eric fried shrimp and made a shrimp stew. Then we had cookie cake from the cookie company and a cake that Shaina brought over. Yikes. Yummy. I was weighing the least amount since I started on this rollercoaster of a diet/exercise routine a few months back. But I'm pretty sure I gained a few back yesterday.

So tomorrow is the last day of school. Please pray for me. Cameron and Payton fought lots yesterday. LOTS. So I'm a little concerned about my sanity for the summer months. I've already registered him for church camp, baseball camp and basketball camp. He's really excited about them. It's gonna be good for him to be able to get out of the house and be with other kids during the day. Each camp is a week long. Two in June and one in mid July. Then at the end of June, we hit the beach. Cannot wait!

Yay for Tuesdays that feel like Mondays. Have a good one! :)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

To Say the Least...

Wednesday was CRAZY. It started off with Cameron's end of year program/graduation to 1st grade. The fact that I'm about to be a mommy of a first grader is insane to me. Here is my handsome 1st grader. The pic is dark, I know, with my non-editing skills self.

So I pretty much painted most of the day and then he came in and had a tball game.
Cam's blurry in the pic, but I thought the pic looked cool anyway. He's been pitched to pretty much every game. The tee is history. Unless they get 3 strikes, then they hit off of the tee. There are no outs yet. Although, he did make one last night. He was playing 2nd base, the ball came to him and he stopped it and ran it to his base and beat the runner. And Daddy was talking and missed it.

So after the game, we went grab a bite because Mommy was painting all day and failed to plan for supper. And if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I'm very deep this Thursday morning, huh? So in the back of my brain the whole time we were eating, I just knew that the DVR was messing up my shows. I just knew it. And I wasn't entirely wrong. It totally cut off the end of American Idol. Someone needs to tell Ryan that the show is exactly 2 hours long, so give the results within the 2 hours not after. As genius as the DVR is, it cannot account for stupidity. So, I totally missed the end and had to come search online.

Lost. OHMYWORD. Have I mentioned how genius this show is? I heart it lots. For once in my Lost watching, I was actually right on something. I knew that it was a flash forward, not back. Although I was a little confused as to why he was referring to his dad as though he was still alive. Of course he was drunk and high all the time, so that could be why. ;) Ok I won't go on and on, because after all we do have a blog for that.

Happy happy Thursday to you.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I'm a little late with the update. I was sick, sick, sick yesterday. Yucky virus when you really don't wanna puke but you really need too. That was me. All day waiting. Eric had to leave work early because I was good for nothing yesterday. On the couch with fever and chills. Not a fun day folks.

The weekend was good though. We went crabbing on Saturday and caught 9 dozen. Had fun and got a sunburn. Then we went to Eric's mom and dads to boil them up. They were so yummy. They always seem to taste better when you catch them yourself. LoL. The kids played outside all evening. Poor Payton got eaten alive by mosquitos. She is allergic and the bite always swells up. She got bitten on the finger that she wears her ring on and her finger proceeded to swell up to twice it's regular size. The ring was cutting into her finger and we couldn't pull it off. Eric had to cut it off of her. She was screaming and hollering, but he got it off. Thank goodness he's a jeweler, because now he's gonna have to take it to work to fix it.

Sunday was nice and lowkey. We did a whole lotta napping and relaxing. I think we were all still exhausted from crabbing on Saturday. So that's it. The painting is picking up again. Which is good, but probably means that I'm gonna have to put my scrap stuff away and get back to just painting. But I have a goal in mind. I really want to paint enough to save money for a possible cj girls convention sometime this year.. How much fun would that be?

Happy Tuesday! So much good tv coming up in the next 2 days, I can hardly stand it!!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

It's Like Friday...

Woohoo for that. Cam and Eric are both off tomorrow. Not sure what we're gonna do yet, but still exciting nonetheless.

So last night, I spent some time with 2 important fellas. (Don't worry Eric was with me.) ;) Blake made it to the final! Yay! Except I hated to see Melinda go. She really is so good. But she'll still have an amazing career, I'm thinking.

And fella number 2, this guy here. Do they maybe resemble each other a little? Maybe. Anyhoo. This episode was the bombdiggity. Just like last week, and I'm sure next week. Charlie was so good in this episode. His greatest hits list was the sweetest. "The night I met you." Sigh. And leaving his ring with Aaron? Although I'm pretty sure that would pose some sort of choking hazard, but oh well. It was left behind anyway when they left for the radio tower.

So there you go, yet another tv post. For all of you non-Lost watchers, have no fear, it all ends Wednesday. Then I'll actually have to find other stuff to post about. LoL. Have a fab weekend, folks! :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A Huge Thank You...

to my sweet friend D for making my adorable new banner. I love the little house. So very much. Thanks again, girl!

So not much new on the homefront. Payton and I haven't left the house all week during the day. I'm not sure why. We've been scrapbooking. She's been asking me if I want to scrapbook, who can pass that up?

American Idol was really good last night. Can't we just have 3 winners this time? I hate to see any of them go. But if I had to pick one, I guess it would be Melinda. Just because I think she'll still do really well no matter what. And like I said before, I really want Blake to be there next week. He'll make it more interesting that Melinda and Jordin.

So every single show that I like is ending next week. Every one. But, Ali, you'll be happy to know that on Saturday, scifi is playing every episode of Heroes, so I'm gonna DVR them and Eric and I will catch up this summer. I knew you'd be happy. ;)

Lost tonight. Sigh. After last week, I'm hoping for another amazing episode.

Have you checked out SiStv yet? If not, do. Especially since one of the fashionistas is one of our very own girlahs. Hehe. Congrats again, girl! That site is soooo cool!

So that's it. I'm boring this week, I know. Happy Lostday! ;)

Monday, May 14, 2007

Monday. Already.

What a fast weekend. Hope that all you mothers out there had a great day yesterday. We went to church, out to lunch, home to relax, out to Eric's mom's for a visit. The day flew. We had Mother's Day with my mom on Saturday. Jenny and Ali were in town, so we got to visit and go out to eat. Dad was working. Bummer.

So Saturday before heading out to mom's house, we had some company. He's one of the New Orleans Saints. A friend of a friend. So he signed Cam's football and posed for pics with him.

Big weekend for two of my blog friends. Darcy had her baby girl a few weeks early and Jamie got married. Huge congrats to both of you girls!!

I've been scrapping like crazy the last couple of weeks. Painting looks like it's gonna start picking up again though, so I guess I'm gonna have to pack the scrappy stuff up and get back to painting soon. I was able to do 12 layouts, a Destin minibook (pics to come soon), Heidi's CJ (goes out tomorrow)and a few other goodies. Jill, your RAK should mail out tomorrow too. Here's a sampling of some of the layouts. I had to take pics of all these new layouts, because my button obsession has grown if that was at all possible and my scanner hates buttons.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


That's how I've been feeling the last couple of days. Head feels like it's gonna explode, runny nose, sneezing, chills, achey. Yuck. Hopefully it'll be gone by the weekend.

So first things first, American Idol. Soooooo glad that Blake didn't leave. He stunk it up on Tuesday night, but I think the Bon Jovi performance was enough to keep him there. I am so hoping that he makes it to the final. I think that Melinda and Jordin are awesome. I love them both, but what a snooze fest the finale's gonna be with them. Ballad after ballad after zzzzzzz. At least Blake will keep the finale interesting. I really hope he makes it!

And Lost. Ohmyword. AMAZING. I still can't grasp everything that happend last night. Being sick while trying to watch stunk, but I still enjoyed it to bits.

I had to include this video. Pause it on :11 to see "Jacob". So stinking creepy. I totally had chills when he said "Help me". It's gonna be a looooong summer when this show ends. I've been DVRing old Wonder Years reruns to give Eric and I something to watch when AI and Lost end. LoL.

Cannot believe that it's already Thursday. Where has the week gone? I'm thinking Eric may have to work Saturday, which is really gonna be a bummer. But Jenny and Ali will be in. So that'll be fun. Hope you all have a fab rest of the week! :)

Monday, May 07, 2007

And the Winner Is...

Jill! So Jill email me your new address when you get a chance. I'll get that RAK out to ya, hopefully soon!

Thanks for all of the blog birthday wishes. I have really grown to love this thing. I have met so many amazing women, that I've never actually met in person, but feel like I know them from reading their blogs. It's been fun!

Hope that everyone had a great weekend and that you all have a great week as well! :)

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Happy Birthday...

To you.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday dear random-musings-of-a-stay-at-home-mom.
Happy Birthday to you.

That's right folks, the blog is one year old today. And in order to celebrate, I'm giving away a RAK. Or surprise to you folks who don't know what a RAK is. So what do you have to do? Leave a comment. You have until Monday morning to at which point my lovely assistant and I will pull a winner.

Have a fabulous weekend and don't forget to leave a comment!! :)

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


At first I was like dude, no. But by the end of the song, I was like "I loved that"! Am I crazy? What did you think?

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Are You Smarter Than A Kindergartener?

I'm not, apparently. Saturday afternoon, we worked out in the yard all day. There was a lizard on a branch of one of the trees right near the patio furniture that we were watching. Cameron tells me "lizards are oviparous". "What?" I ask. Surely as a 30 year old, college graduate I would have come across that word at some point. "That means they lay eggs", he says. Are you sure you don't mean "amphibious"? Or some other word that sounds like oviparous, I kept asking. "No. They're oviparous. We learned that in school". I still wasn't convinced. We discussed this for like 10 minutes. So a little while later he asks me why they do that throat thingy that they do. "Let's go look it up on the internet" I told him. So we do a lizard search on google, I click on a website, and there in black and white, the first sentence on the page. "Lizards are oviparous, meaning that they lay eggs". So well, I stood there dumbfounded. I kind of feel ripped off on my college education. I mean I paid good money for it and I never learned oviparous. So the bottom line is "Am I smarter than a Kindergartener?" No.

Speaking of Cameron, we were so proud of him last week. At his tball game, the coach started pitching to a few of the kids just to get them in swing (no pun intended) of things. And he got 2 hits!! We were very proud. ;)

And a not so proud, hilarious moment. (Just don't tell him I'm telling you this). So I believe that I told you all a while back how he had woken up and went into the playroom and I caught him with his pants down just about to pee on the wall. He was sleepwalking. So a few nights ago, same thing happens. Except this time he pees. All over the shoe basket in the utility room. All over the shoes. And who's do you think were right on top and got the majority of the soaking? That's right. Mommy's. Eric goes in and finds him asleep, peeing on the shoes. He calls me in and I stand there in disbelief. Apparently our son mistakes strange items for toilets when he's sleeping.

On the scrapping front, the Destin mini-book is just about finished. Woo Hoo! I really enjoyed putting it together. I'll post some pics soon. Happy Tuesday!

On to Jr. High!