Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Tuesday Already??

Love the looong weekends, when Tuesday feels like Monday. Such a fun weekend. Friday night, the kiddies slept at my mom's house and we had a date night. Went out to eat and stopped at Blockbuster to get some movies. Got home to watch them and both fell asleep instead. At about 10:30. Are we getting old or what? Saturday night, went to our friends house that we have not done anything with in a while so that was fun. Thanks Brandy & Steve! Sunday and Monday were spent dodging the rain and trying to swim in between the showers. The kids had a blast! They absolutely loved swimming.

Eric and I's 7 year anniversary is coming up next Monday. Cannot believe it has been 7 years. Not sure what we are going to do yet.

Does anyone remember the Weebles? As in Weebles wobble but they don't fall down? Cameron & Payton have a DVD with a preview for the Weebles (I guess it is a show now). All day yesterday Cameron kept singing Weegles woggle but they don't fall down. Eric & I must have told him 100 times that it is weebles, not weegles. That is so Cameron though. He sings the wrong words to a song and no matter how many times you tell him the right way, he just doesn't get it. It is quite hilarious. For instance, there is a song on one of their CDs that goes "he went walking and leaping and praising GOd". Well without fail, every time Cameron sings "he went walking & leaking and praising God". It is so funny.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I'm A Little LOST

So last night, 2 hours of American Idol and 2 hours of Lost. Made for a great TV night. First off, American Idol. We were glad to see Taylor walk away with it. We would have rather seen Elliot, but hey 3rd place isn't too shabby for a boy who looks like he is from Erath. I didn't really care for Taylor much throughout the season, but toward the end, I really started to pull for him!

Ok, now for the good stuff. Must give Ali his props, because he has been saying Desmond was coming back (he just had the week a little wrong). So some questions were answered, but in true Lost fashion, many more new questions surfaced. Such as how in the world did Desmond's girlfriend know to look for him where there would be an electromagnetic anamoly (and no I don't pretend to know what this is, just reading what was on the screen in that plane)? The only explanation to this, in my opinion, is that her father is somehow involved in the Dharma Initiative and sent him to the island and she somehow found out.
And of course did Desmond survive the shutting down of the system? Did Locke & Eko?
I must say, and Eric can attest to this one, I have been saying that I thought the guy that claimed to be Henry Gale was one of, if not the top guy of the others. Pretty excited to see that I was right on that one, because as much as I love this show and think I know what's going on, my predictions are seldom right.
Of course, one of the biggest questions. What are they going to do with Kate, Jack & Sawyer? Eric thinks that Michael will be back to help them. I sure hope that he does come back to redeem himself. He did get Walt back, which I was shocked that they let him go so easily. Or did they?? (another question, I just found something fishy about the way Henry said "Bonvyage Michael").
I think that the trio captured by the others only hope now is Sayid.
Oh and Claire kissing Charlie-very cute! Now hopefully he can keep himself clean.
Oh and Kelvin (Desmond's roomate in the hatch). Did anyone recognize him as the military officer that captured Sayid? (back in Sayid's flashback several episodes ago. It is the same man that makes Sayid torture his friend for info.)
So I think that is everything. I am just glad that it wasn't left on such a cliffhanger as it was last year. I was quite disturbed for a few days after the others took Walt. LOL. Ok for those of you that do not watch this show, I know that this post will not make any sense--sorry!

Potty training has been sort of non-existant. Tuesday we were literally gone all day, so really did not have a chance to work with her. Yesterday, I would put her every 20 minutes or so and she would wet her pull-up in between everytime.

Cameron had a game on Tuesday and another one tonight. Eric and I are both ready for the season to be done. It is really getting out of hand. Tuesday night, while they warmed up, the coaches son threw Cameron on the ground 4 times. (This boy is the biggest on the team, he's taller than Cameron and huskier). The assistant coach who was throwing them the balls said NOTHING to this child. Sometimes I wonder if we are raising Cameron to be too nice. He just would get back up and get ready for the next ball. He does not defend himself. So finally Eric went and stood by the fence where they were and told Cameron to move away from the boy. The coaches solution? He stops throwing the ball to Cameron. The discipline problems have seriously gotten so out of hand that it isn't even fun to watch anymore. Especially when it is the coaches son and they don't feel the need to discipline him at all. I think that there are 5 games left total. Ready to be done.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Monday Again.

They seem to come so quickly when you have a blog. It seriously seems I am always posting about it being Monday again. But today is no ordinary MOnday. It is the first day of potty training a certain little blond haired cutie. That's right. I am starting to potty train PayPay today. I am sure that there will be a lot of interesting happenings to blog about. So far, we have only been at it for a few hours. I am setting the timer for every 20 minutes and having her go sit on the potty. Hopefully we get lucky one of these times. On Friday I discussed what we would be doing, and we shook on it. I do not know why and I am fairly certain that her 2 year old brain did not know why we were "shaking on it". Wish me luck. Eric swears up and down that the pack of diapers that we bought last night was the last one. We will see!

Those of you who know and love Cameron will appreciate "That Popeye Smile" layout. Does not seem so long ago huh?? So he is asking Eric last night "Wouldn't it be fun on vacation if we would make a campfire and roast marshmellows?" Eric then proceeded to tell him that we do not want to be outside at night because there might be bears. The wheels in his head started turning and he started asking a million questions about the bears. Right now him and Payton are up front playing camp and I can hear him saying "look out for the bear". So those of you that are coming with us, be prepared! He is quite frightened of the prospect that we may see bears. Hopefully he will forget about it!

Had a fun Saturday. My friend Shaina and I had a mommy's day out. We had lunch and shopped. I dragged her out to the scrapbook store and forced her to look at patterned paper with me all afternoon. Just joking. But we did go out to the scrapbook store. I mean come on, I had money in my pocket and no kids with me. Hopefully she will become a scrapbooker now. Hopefully some of it rubbed off on her while she was there. She told me she enjoyed looking at all of it. I mean come on--how can you not?? LOL..

Those of you who may not know, Eric comes from a very large family. 5 boys and 3 girls. And not just a large family, but a family who grew up out in the country and LOVE to hunt and fish and anything outdoors. I grew up with 3 sisters. So anyway, I get home Saturday and Eric proudly proclaims that Cameron shot his first snake (a water mocassin) out behind his dad's house. Yes, they walked through tons and tons of banana spiders to look for snakes. So I am fairly certain that they found something enjoyable about this, but I just cannot for the life of me see what that would be. Walking thorough webs and webs of spiders to look for snakes? Ok, there is a definite reason that God made me a girl! And the fact that my sweet little boy is going to start partaking in these activities is a little much for me to take.

Ok, so as I am typing this post, I take a break to put Payton on the potty and she teetees on the potty . Oh my goodness!!!!! I was certainly not expecting this so soon, but Yay! Couldn't be prouder of this little chickadee! Hope everyone has a great day!!

Friday, May 19, 2006


The weekend is here! Cameron's last day of school today. I volunteered to go and sit with his class while his teacher went to their teacher appreciation luncheon. Ok, so I know that I have a degree in elementary education, but I seriously forgot how much work 16 4 year olds (plus Payton) in a classroom can be. Then we go outside to play where there are 4 other classes, so trying to keep track of all of mine was darn near impossible. I am sooo going to miss that school. I loved Cameron's teacher and the school so much, Payton will definitely go there when she gets older.

I did a scrapbook layout about Payton's poodle party , and hope to do some more in the near future. I feel sort of bad though because I really have not scrapped any other parties. None of Cameron's and not Payton's first one yet. I just really loved this theme. This was my favorite party ever. I guess that is why I am doing Payton's room in it as well. Hope to get started really soon. Will post pics once I finally finish it.

Ok Darcy, this is for you. I had published my post already and then read your comment about me not having posted about lost. I realized that yes I had indeed written an entire post with no mention of Lost, so I had to go back and add. I don't want everyone getting worried. LOL..Lost was soo good Wed. night. Like Eric said, he can totally understand Micheal's actions now. He is just doing what he thinks he has to do to get his son back. I totally think that they are messing with his mind though. And Invasion!! I know that Eric and I are probably the only 2 people in the known world that watch this show. It was supposedly the season finale and they left it with a big time cliffhanger. Now I hear that it has been cancelled. So we will never know what happens to poor Larkin.Just so they don't cancel Lost though! I guess we can live without Invasion.

Countdown to vacation has begun. 22 days left. Absolutely, positively cannot wait to get out of this house for a week! Gonna be nice to spend a week with my sis & BIL as well. Don't get to see them nearly enough since they moved to Texas. Miss them lots!

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Surfer Boy

Today was Cameron's Spring program at school. The class was dressed up as "hula boys and girls". They did sooo good! They sang 5 or 6 songs and did the motions to all of them. My favorite was when they did the hula. Of course my video camera battery ran out right before they did the hula so I could not get it on video:( Cannot believe that he has only 1 day of school left, it seems like he just started.

So what did everyone think of American Idol last night? Absolutely loved when Taylor pulled Paula up to dance like Bruce Springsteen does with Courteny Cox in the video. That was great! After last night, not too sure if Eric's prediction will come true. I just don't think that Elliot was too great last night, I definitely think he is gone tonight:( Quite sad, but I never really thought he would win anyway, I just kind of felt sorry for him.

Interesting T-ball game last night. there was a very large girl on the other team who went for every ball and got almost none. Then she would fling herself on the gound and scream and cry very loudly. Finally toward the end the coach has enough and actually picked her up and carried her to her mother (*who was on the phone the entire time). Couldn't help but giggle. There is a little boy on our team who's Dad literally calls his name the entire game. His son stays in the field hitting the other boys, taking their hats and running away, putting his glove on the other players heads (all while the game is going on mind you). His dad calls him constantly. "So & so stop it, so & so come here, so & so cut it out, so & so do you want a spanking?". I'm thinking to myself can you please stop calling him and actually do something. I mean seriously I hear this boys name in my sleep on game nights. And his name really isn't so & so-lol.

Ok--awesome TV night tonight!!! We find out who will be on the finale of American Idol! But most importantly -of course-is Lost.

Monday, May 15, 2006

A Great Weekend!

Happy Monday! (that's an oxymoron right?) Had a great weekend! Wasn't feeling too great, but enjoyed the weekend nonetheless. On Saturday, we had a BBQ at my aunt & uncle's house. All of my mom's brothers & sisters and the majority of my cousins were there. Most I had not seen since Christmas and probably will not see again until next Christmas. Cameron was very excited because he got to swim for the first time this year. The water was pretty chilly, and a few times he had to get out because his teeth were chattering and his lips were blue. He kept telling me "Please can I get back in, I promise my lips will not turn blue!" LOL. Like he had control over it. It was a great way to spend the day since Eric had to work for most of it. He was able to meet us when he got off. Fun day! We missed you Jenny & Ali!

Mother's Day was a great day. I had to work the nursery at church for the noon service, so we got a pretty late start. Cameron gave me a plate that he decorated at school and a card that said "Thank you for:
*Taking me to Chucky Cheese
*Taking me to school
*Taking me to the store with you
*Your good cooking (Does he have the right mom? LOL)
*Being so beautiful
Eric and both of the kids gave me a "Circle of Love" pendant. It is beautiful!!
After church, we went to eat at Coyote Blues (Eric and I's current favorite restaurant), then spent the afternoon with his mom & dad.

So that's the weekend in a nutshell. Cameron has a game tonight. He's still doing very well with T-ball. Oh, and only 2 more days until Lost. Yes, I am obsessed!!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Predictions, Hula Girls & Mother's Day

Ok, Eric is getting really good at predicting what will happen on our fave shows. It's quite surprising. Last week, he predicted about Micheal long before it happend, and for the last few weeks, he said it would be Taylor and Elliot in the final of A.I. I told him he was nuts, because let's face it, that seemed far fetched with Katharine and Chris still there. Low and behold, last night the one that I thought would win it all (Chris) was voted off! I was stunned. What is up with this guy predicting all of this?

We went last night to buy the kids new portable DVD players for our vacation next month. We get home and the remote for one does not work! UGH! We got the other remote working on both DVD's, so we know that it is the remote, not the player. Eric suggested that we just keep that one and use one remote on both. I am thinking with those two kids, not a great idea. I can see them fighting before we leave the driveway. So today , I must box it back up and go see if I can exchange it. Isn't that aggrivating? Can't they make sure it works before boxing it up to sell it? Not to mention that we had to wait 35 minutes just for someone to come and help us with them last night. Sorry, just had to vent on that!

Cameron's spring program is next Wednesday. He has to wear his bathing suit, flip flops & a Hawiiaan shirt. The girls will be dressed as Hula girls and they will be singing songs like "Surfin' USA". He has been going around the house singing his songs all week. Should be very cute! He is also singing "If I were a Butterfly, I'd thank you Lord for giving me wings." Another song I remember from when I was young. Love it when she teaches them all of these songs that I used to sing as a kid, but have since forgotten the words, and he comes home singing them. It's so great!!

Mother's Day this weekend, and along with it a very busy week for Eric. He has to work Saturday and has been very busy all week. So Happy Mother's Day to all you mom's out there! Hope that this one is a great one.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Number 5

I am sooooo proud of this little boy! He was awesome at his game on Monday night! The coaches are having trouble with a lot of the little boys on the team. There are lots of discipline problems. I know that they are just starting out, but some of these boys act up the entire time. From running off of the field, (once a little boy was off sliding and not even his mom realized), to beating up each other and the other team. There is one little boy who just likes to hit all of the kids. . He will come up and hit or push Cameron down from time to time, and Cam just looks at him like he is crazy.

Cameron has his hands on his knees and his eyes on the ball the entire time. Monday night, he stopped two grounders and threw to first. Both of his hits went to the fence. (Jenny & Ali-there is some video coming out to you soon!) After the game, the assistant coach came up to Eric and said what a good boy we have and thanked him because they never have to fuss at him. So proud of number five!!

Off to watch American Idol. Cannot wait until tomorrow night for Lost!!!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Very Random Musings

Is it Monday already?? Ugh!!
This weekend flew by-but then again don't they all? We had a fun weekend. Friday, Payton kept asking me to play ootes and adders. (That's chutes & ladders to all of you that are over the age of 2!) She's quite the little cheater when we play board games-lol.

Cameron was supposed to have a game that night, but it was canceled because of all the rain:( That's his second one cancelled already. Hopefully the rain will hold off so that he can play tonight. Friday night we had friends over for supper (Shoutout to Steve & Shaina--LOL!!) We had boiled crabs (my favorite food in the world)-and they were yummy!!

Saturday, we slept in (gotta love those rainy Saturday mornings). I was painting my toes and Payton was asking for pink toes, so I decided to paint hers. Sooooo cute! I did not think her toes could possibly be any cuter-until I painted them pink! She is so proud of her pink toes.

Sunday was nice, we napped for the first time in a long time on a Sunday after church. Of course then Eric and I couldn't fall asleep until about 1:00 this morning, so we are both dragging today. It is teacher appreciation week this week, and I wanted to make Cam's teachers gifts and I have not even started. And I have to make 3!

I am sooo anxious to get Payton's bedroom started. I am still waiting for a few pieces to come in stock on Bombay kids.com. I have most of the bedding, I am just not sure that she is ready for her big girl bed, so I am kind of holding off. I plan to paint her room too. This will be the first room we paint since we move in and I am a little nervous. I just don't think that khaki walls are very girly. I will post pictures once her room is done. I cannot wait to see it finished, it is going to be a Paris themed room and I am even thinking of doing a mural myself-yikes!! Very nervous about that.

Hurricane season is approaching all too quickly. I was just thinking about that yesterday. We have a lot of things we would have to haul in this year. Not that I wish a hurricane on anyone, but hopefully we get a break this year. Last season was enough to last us for quite some time.

Sorry that my musings were very random today-lol. Just stuff that's been on the old brain. Excited to see that Ali (my brother-in-law) is starting a blog. He is quite funny so it should be interesting to see what he comes up with!

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Ok, so I know that a lot of you watch LoSt! All I can say is wow! Did any of you see that one coming? Well Eric did, sort of. As soon as Michael woke up and started talking about following one of the "others", Eric said that he thought Michael was on their side now. I was hoping he wasn't right. But as soon as he told Ana-Lucia "sorry", Eric said "He's gonna shoot her." :( I so liked Michael up until this point. It is going to be very interesting these next few weeks! Cannot wait to see what happens! We tried watching Invasion right after, but had to stop it a few times to just sit there and think about what had just happend on Lost. Is it sick to be that way about a tv show? I would say yes! Then all throughout Invasion Eric kept on saying "that Michael, can't believe him!". Pretty funny stuff.
Pretty happy that Elliot was not voted off. Eric and I have grown to really like him. I think it's because he seems to be the one to really need the show to make it. The rest probably will anyway. Thinking he will be gone next week though:(
They are all so good now, not sure who is gonna win.

Ok so as some of you may know Payton is obssessed with the color pink. This morning she opened a lollipop with a pink wrapper and when she saw it was orange, threw it in the garbage can and started crying for a pink one! Then as if that wasn't enough, she has a major meltdown in the middle of the grocery store because Cameron picked blue bubble bath. (It was his turn to pick). So for about 10 minutes Payton cried "pink bubbles". We compromised because they were out of bubbles (that you blow), so she was able to pick a pink one. No, I probably should not have let her have any bubbles after the fit, but sometimes you just gotta do whatever works when grocery shopping! Just the simple fact that I took both of them grocery shopping shows that I was not thinking clearly today!
Anywho, thanks for reading, have a blessed day!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

First time Post

Hi all,
Okay, this is my first time blogging, so bear with me. I wanted to start a blog so that I could talk about all of the funny things Cameron & Payton do and say. Check back often, I plan to blog often about them. Everytime they do something funny I think, that would be so great to blog about. Now that I have started one though, they have been pretty boring. LOL.
Although, Payton does have a funny thing that she now does. She hides her eyes and calls out "1,2 ready, not, here you come!". It's soooo funny. She loves to play hide and seek.

Cameron had another T-ball game last night. He didn't chew on his glove at all, which is big, big progress! He had two really good hits that went all the way to the outfield. Eric will be helping coach on Friday, because neither coach can make it, so it should be very interesting!! Cameron only has 7, yes 7 days of school left. It is going to be a looong summer for him. This year went super fast. Kindergarten is quickly approaching!

Here are some layouts that I did this week. Hope everyone is good. Check back for more random musings of a stay at home mom often!!

On to Jr. High!