Hi all,
Okay, this is my first time blogging, so bear with me. I wanted to start a blog so that I could talk about all of the funny things Cameron & Payton do and say. Check back often, I plan to blog often about them. Everytime they do something funny I think, that would be so great to blog about. Now that I have started one though, they have been pretty boring. LOL.
Although, Payton does have a funny thing that she now does. She hides her eyes and calls out "1,2 ready, not, here you come!". It's soooo funny. She loves to play hide and seek.
Cameron had another T-ball game last night. He didn't chew on his glove at all, which is big, big progress! He had two really good hits that went all the way to the outfield. Eric will be helping coach on Friday, because neither coach can make it, so it should be very interesting!! Cameron only has 7, yes 7 days of school left. It is going to be a looong summer for him. This year went super fast. Kindergarten is quickly approaching!
Here are some layouts that I did this week. Hope everyone is good. Check back for more random musings of a stay at home mom often!!
Oh YAY!!!
Cute pic of Payton by the way! LOL!
Hi, Amber!!! HILARIOUS first post!! Glad Cameron kept from chewing his mitt.. he may need that if the ball comes his way!! Gotta love t-ball. =)
AWESOME Lo's.. glad you started blogging.. I'll make sure to check back!!!
Wish I could have been there but I guess I will always be missing something till I retire.
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