Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I Concur...

with Jill.
These things definitely are evil. Ohmyword. I want to dive in to that pic. Easter is definitely a weak time for me.
How can one resist? It's the absolute best candy time of the year. The whoppers robin eggs, and the mini eggs. Not to mention the peeps and heavenly hash eggs. Man. Not a good thing. So yeah, Payton and I bought a bag while we were out and about yesterday and let me just tell ya. The bag's almost empty. Between Cam, Pay & I we about killed the whole bag. Just don't tell Eric. Cuz he didn't get any. ;)

Monday, February 26, 2007

Monday, Monday

At least it's a pretty Monday. Makes it a little easier to get out of bed. We've been having weather in the 70's and clear and sunny. I do love the cold, but it's always nice when spring starts to come in. We are excited about the time change next month to have a little more daylight. Sunday we pulled weeds in the landscaping and started to spruce it up a little bit. The backyard is looking dead and dreary and full of trash still from Payton's party. Yeah, we're a little slow with the clean up. LoL.

Seems like my blogger issues have cleared up at least for now. I'm still having problems updating and changing the style and such. Switching over to the "new and improved blogger" was definitely not so good for my computer.

Payton had her first Sunday in Sunday school. Sigh. It was the first week that she was out of the nursery and into a classroom. Really makes you kinda sad. You realize that you don't have babies anymore. They're so big and she seems so grown up walking into her classroom all by herself. This was my baby that is sooooo shy that when someone tells her hi, she literally buries her head in your chest. When she was a baby, I literally had to crawl behind the sofa to go take my bath so that she wouldn't see me. If she did, even though Eric was holding her, she would scream the entire time so I had to wash up and jump out. She's still very shy, but she walked into that classroom like she had been doing it for months. :( When did she get so big?? It's especially sad when I think that she is probably our last. Unless a serious change of heart happens for both Eric and I.

Loving the new ipod. Haven't downloaded any videos yet, Eric is ready to. I'm just enjoying the music. But well, he's a guy so you know.

Hope that you all have a wonderful start to your week!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Blogger Frustration

AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Ok. That felt good. I have been unable to blog all week. And if it lets me publish this post, I'll be shocked. Shocked, I tell ya.

What's been going on? Hmmm. Tuesday, we BBQ'ed with our new neighbors. ;) Some of our best friends just moved in a few houses down. She and I went shopping for home decor stuff. That was fun. The hubbys kept the kids and we shopped then came back and they hung it all up. It's gonna be fun to have them so close by.

Wednesday was a really good tv night. We watched American Idol (although the cable went out about halfway through and we missed a few of the girls). I think that the girls are definitely better than the guys this season. There was like one guy that I thought was decent, but several of the girls were good. And of course Lost. How I love Lost. It was back to its old self, or I was, one of the two. ;) My fave line from last night: "The steal the kid from the raft project, that was a real humdinger. " LoL. I love Sawyer's comments.

Hope you all have a good day and I really hope that this post publishes!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Quiet Weekend

Really quiet. I was home by myself for most of it. Caught up on tv, enjoyed the new ipod. No scrapping time though and that was a bummer. The entire weekend was spent catching up on painting, and well, I'm still a little behind. For those that asked, I have been painting artwork for kids rooms. Mostly stuff to match bedding. People email me pics, and I try to match the bedding the best I can. I've always loved painting, so it's been a fun thing to do. I just got overwhelmed for a bit, because I never expected it to get soooo busy. But now I'm playing catch up.

Friday night was some kinda wonderful. I dropped the kids off at my mother in laws after Cameron got home. Eric and I went to a restaurant that we had never been to called Catahoula's. It was a rare occassion. I actually ordered a steak. Those of you who know me well know that I don't eat steak. Period. I have NEVER ordered steak in a restaurant before in my entire life. And I seldom eat it at home. If we are cooking steaks, I usually eat chicken or a pork chop. I've just never been a fan of a slab of meat. But this one was some yummy. It was a filet mignon stuffed with crab meat covered with a lump crab meat sauce. Yeah, that was right up my alley. And I ate every bite, and I even finished mine before Eric finished his. (We ordered the same thing). So there you have it, my first steak experience. Eric was shocked that I ordered a steak. I tried to get a few pics of us that night, but I've discovered that taking a pic of yourself is not as easy with a big ole camera. So alas, every pic looked like I had 3 or 4 chins. Well, I probably do, but I surely do not need to share that with you all. LoL.

Saturday and Sunday, Eric was helping his sister roof her garage all day. He brought the kids both days to run around and play with their cousins. So the house was extremely quiet. And she bought him a new video ipod for helping. So, now we both have one.
Cameron slept there again last night with his cousins. He's outta school until Thursday for the Mardi Gras holiday. We don't do Mardi Gras. I used to before I got married. But well, let's just say that one year I pretty much saw a man get shot. I heard the shots and saw the body and that pretty much ruined me on it forever. And Eric feels the same. Especially having young kids now. So we usually just stay home and enjoy the quiet day. The kids don't seem to mind. ;)

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Hope that Everyone...

had a wonderful Valentine's day. Mine started out a little shaky. I was working on my circle journal for round 2 when I got a call from Cam's school saying that he was sick so I needed to come and pick him up. Yes, sick. So we go and pick him up and he's running a fever and coughing and sleepy. So we get home and I give him medicine, put him to bed and Payton starts coughing like crazy. So bad that she couldn't stop. Mind you, we just went to the doctor for a check up on Tuesday and she was FINE. The majority of the afternoon was spent with one on each lap on the rocker with them coughing like crazy and me praying that I don't get it. So, here we go again. My children have been sick more in the last 2 months than they've been in their entire lives. Payton especially. She's hardly ever sick. I have a hunch that it could be due to the fact that on Tuesday it was 70 degrees and on Wednesday it was 48 degrees, today won't get over 45 and by next week, it'll be 72. That could be the problem.

So Eric comes home and I'm expecting him to leave for his basketball game, but he decides not to go because it's Valentine's day. And he gives me this
I was shocked. I really wasn't expecting anything, because we normally don't do too much for Valentine's day. I have been wanting to buy an ipod with my painting money. But, he surprised me with one. Shocked I tell you. So now I feel totally guilty and need to go out and find him something great for Friday. I'm in the process of handmaking his card but I wasn't quite finished. After supper, we put the kids to bed and watched American Idol and Lost. I'm not gonna go into the details about lost because we have a new blog for that, but let me just say that that was the closest I've ever come to dozing off during that show. From intense last week to nearly sleep inducing this week. What a difference a week makes. It wasn't bad, it just wasn't great, to me.

I kept Cam home today to make sure he gets better. Tomorrow night is grandma's house for them and date night for us. They HAVE to go, I tell ya. I've been looking forward to it for 2 weeks. So they must get better. LoL. I'll keep ya posted. Happy Thursday! :)

Monday, February 12, 2007


Dora the Explorer. And a whooooole lot of her. Dora funjump, Dora cake, Dora decorations, Dora gifts, Dora pinata, Dora plates & napkins. Dora overload. But I think she loved every minute of it, so that's good.
Friday night, she got her gift from us, a Barbie jeep with a real working radio. We could not pull her out of it. We had to go shopping for party food, and she wanted to ride the jeep all night. We finally got her out, but it wasn't easy.
A few hours before the party, just a tad excited. LoL.
Jumping in the Dora fun jump.

The kids, Eric and I enjoyed the fun jump before everyone got there. The guy came really early that morning and the party didn't start until 2, so we had some time to jump. I seriously could hardly move afterward. I was so exhausted. That is definitely a fun cardio workout. Maybe we should invest in one for the backyard? ;)
And she opened a ton of presents. She got clothes, books, toys, a tea set to match her room, an art desk, a gameboy and all the accessories, movies, sleeping bag, coloring books, playdough and accessories, sunglasses. All kinds of goodies. Her and Cameron are in heaven with all the new stuff. It's like Christmas all over again.

She had, what I though, was quite possible the ugliest cake ever. It looked so cute in the book and then when Eric got home with it I was like, UGH. Oh well. I guess I got spoiled to my sister in laws cute homeade cakes. But people ate it just the same.

The kids had lots of fun with the Dora pinata. Cameron managed to knock Dora's head off. They seemed to enjoy beating her with a stick a little too much. ;)
And....It's her party and she'll cry if she wants to. What's a party without a little fit? ;)

We had a lot of people show up, which made us very happy. After Cameron's party, I was a little worried. But we had a full house. Eric cooked a big chili. The weather was beautiful. Sunny all day and in the upper 50's-60's.
I now need to play catch up. Her actual birthday is tomorrow, she has a doctor's appt., I have a mommy and me dance class with Cam at school. I'll have to get Payton's bday dinner cooked.
There are definite things to do in the scrappy dept. Alex, your CJ is about halfway finished and WILL go out this week. And I haven't started with round 2's CJ. So there may have to be blank pages mailed out. Sorry girls! I'm gonna try my hardest to at least get my page done. It snuck up on me! On the bright side, I did get my secret Valentine's Day package mailed out, so hopefully she gets it today. I did remember that. Probably only because I got a great package in from Heidi. Thanks again girl!
So happy Monday to you all! Lots to go do. Sigh. What else is new?

Thursday, February 08, 2007


After a looooong break, it didn't disappoint. Not me anyway. That was one of the most intense episodes. It was nice to see Juliet's back story and to see that she was actually taken there. And it seemed to be against her will. How crazy was it the way they set her up? Her saying that the only way she could go is if her husband got hit by a bus and then...

He gets hit by a bus. Who saw that one coming?? Not me for sure. And one of my fave parts, Kate telling Jack the story over the walkie talkie about his surgery. That was a sweet part, for sure.
And was this the strangest thing ever?? Look at his skin. And those sweet glasses. What a way to torture a person.

So that's it. The LOST recap for episode 1. Sooo good. Eric and I both enjoyed it. He still had to say his "well I'm a little disappointed". It's a running joke we have, he started saying that last season when some of the episodes just weren't showing any info. So now he says it for every one. Now next week, I'm ready for them to go storming onto the other island to save Jack. We'll see what happens ;)

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Can I tell ya how excited I am that this is back

tonight. It was a long break, but so happy that it's back. And D, I am in total agreement, I sure hope it will be worth the wait. Funny story, Eric's glasses got broken Saturday, while he & Cameron were wrestling. They were hanging on by a thread and then Payton came over and finished them off. So Monday, he goes to order a new pair and as of last night, they weren't ready. So he goes find the broken ones and superglues and tapes them for lost tonight. But happily, the eye doc just called to say that they were ready. So he doesn't have to wear the glued down, taped up glasses. I'm thinking there would have surely been a pic on the old blogger if he would have. He doesn't read this thing anyway. ;) Full report tomorrow on the Lost happenings.

So yeah, in all my Lost excitement I failed to pic a fave from Idol last night. Although I must say, I wasn't too impressed. No one over the top and no one really great. Tonight looks good though. Can I just say again a huge thank you to the inventor of the DVR.

Payton seems to be much better. And just in time for a Dora party on Saturday. I'm getting things in order. If I had had more time, I wanted to turn the back yard into a huge Dora adventure, but alas, a Dora funjump will have to do.

Monday, February 05, 2007


It's Monday again, and again, I'm blogging about sick kids. Oh my. Will it never end? Payton is once again with a horrible cough and fever. What I thought she might be getting last week is now full blown. Again. Yeah, I'm pretty much ready for spring. I've had enough! She's sleeping now and pretty much wants to be held constantly, so I'm doing what I can while she naps. Her Dora party is Saturday, so I definitely want her better by then!

It was a pretty slow paced weekend. Not much of anything at all took place. Except a whole lotta lazy. And it was gooooood! LoL. Watched the Super Bowl yesterday. Well not really. It was on, but I can't say anyone was really watching. We rented the movie Barnyard, and I'm fairly certain that we broke a record for the amount of times a rented movie was viewed in one weekend. I lost count. Really.

So Valentine's Day. Next Wednesday. Eric has a basketball game. Pretty romantic huh? LoL. He started playing city league basketball and they scheduled a game on Vday. A man obviously makes the schedule. Obviously. He told me he'd miss, but being on a school night, nothing exciting will be taking place anyway. And he's only gone for like an hour and a half. So we'll see.

So that's about all that's going on in our little part of the world. The medicine, thermometer (or as P calls it tempetant) were saved back up and are now once again all over the kitchen. One day my kids will be all better. One day.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

So Aside from...

the crazy panther guy last night, I didn't find anyone else very interesting. Except maybe this guy...

I thought he was so sweet to come on and sing for his wife. And he could sing! I also thought it was nice that the judges let him sing and Simon even shook his hand. So he does have a heart. LoL.

So yeah, Eric is back off to work today. Payton was supposed to be at Grandma's house, but Grandma called to say that she was sick too. We had a bday party for my niece on Sunday and lots of people that were there are sick with the fever, chills thing. Payton woke up feeling a little warm and she's napping now at 9 am, so we'll see what happens.

And speaking of Payton, I'm pretty sure she's resorting back to infancy. For the last couple of weeks, she has been waking up 2-4 times a night. Yes, 2-4. And she'll be 3 in a few weeks. What in the world is up with that??? She comes into our room and asks to be carried back to bed. Um excuse me, wouldn't it just be easier to stay in bed? And of course it wakes me up everytime and then I lay awake for awhile. So the quality of sleep around here hasn't been so good. End Rant. LoL.

Jenny & Ali you'll appreciate this conversation.
Payton (talking on a play phone): Hi nanny & parran? Yeah, good. How you doing? Good. Yeah, coming to my Dora party? Yeah ok. Bye. See you later.
Payton (again on the play phone): Hi nanny & parran. Yeah, good. Bye see you later.
After about 5 times. Nanny & Parran keep calling and calling. I tell them to stop.
Me: Are they coming to the Dora party?
Payton: Yes.
Me: What are they gonna bring you?
Payton: A pink gameboy with a pink case.

Cannot believe that it's already Thursday again. And February 1st no less. Hope that you all have a wonderful day! :)

On to Jr. High!