Monday, February 05, 2007


It's Monday again, and again, I'm blogging about sick kids. Oh my. Will it never end? Payton is once again with a horrible cough and fever. What I thought she might be getting last week is now full blown. Again. Yeah, I'm pretty much ready for spring. I've had enough! She's sleeping now and pretty much wants to be held constantly, so I'm doing what I can while she naps. Her Dora party is Saturday, so I definitely want her better by then!

It was a pretty slow paced weekend. Not much of anything at all took place. Except a whole lotta lazy. And it was gooooood! LoL. Watched the Super Bowl yesterday. Well not really. It was on, but I can't say anyone was really watching. We rented the movie Barnyard, and I'm fairly certain that we broke a record for the amount of times a rented movie was viewed in one weekend. I lost count. Really.

So Valentine's Day. Next Wednesday. Eric has a basketball game. Pretty romantic huh? LoL. He started playing city league basketball and they scheduled a game on Vday. A man obviously makes the schedule. Obviously. He told me he'd miss, but being on a school night, nothing exciting will be taking place anyway. And he's only gone for like an hour and a half. So we'll see.

So that's about all that's going on in our little part of the world. The medicine, thermometer (or as P calls it tempetant) were saved back up and are now once again all over the kitchen. One day my kids will be all better. One day.


Ali said...

sorry to read about the sick little ones...look on the bright side: they are developing antibodies that will help them throughout their lives! Looking forward to visiting you guys this weekend!

Anonymous said...

"saved back up", eh?

excited to see you all this weekend! :)

darcy said...

Oh no.. another sick one? You poor thing!

AMBER... what is on in T-2 days??? Did you totally see Jack kissing some new girl in the previews? A new character?

Deanna G. said...

I'm with Darcy above. Dude... for rill. I type these lines in pure excitement. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

And sicky again? Awww man, Amber. Take care of the little dudes and I'ma send you some good juju from HI. Heh.

Anonymous said...

hey amber..sorry to hear you have been sick. that sucks. Hey..funnily enough i have just seen american idol on an obscure little channel over here and we cant be that far behind, cos the man singing for his wife was on there...i had a tear in my eye too :) Hope the week gets better

On to Jr. High!