Can I tell ya how excited I am that this is back

tonight. It was a long break, but so happy that it's back. And D, I am in total agreement, I sure hope it will be worth the wait. Funny story, Eric's glasses got broken Saturday, while he & Cameron were wrestling. They were hanging on by a thread and then Payton came over and finished them off. So Monday, he goes to order a new pair and as of last night, they weren't ready. So he goes find the broken ones and superglues and tapes them for lost tonight. But happily, the eye doc just called to say that they were ready. So he doesn't have to wear the glued down, taped up glasses. I'm thinking there would have surely been a pic on the old blogger if he would have. He doesn't read this thing anyway. ;) Full report tomorrow on the Lost happenings.
So yeah, in all my Lost excitement I failed to pic a fave from Idol last night. Although I must say, I wasn't too impressed. No one over the top and no one really great. Tonight looks good though. Can I just say again a huge thank you to the inventor of the DVR.
Payton seems to be much better. And just in time for a Dora party on Saturday. I'm getting things in order. If I had had more time, I wanted to turn the back yard into a huge Dora adventure, but alas, a Dora funjump will have to do.
The Other Door
ahhhhhhh, YES!!! i'm with ya on being excited for the return of this show! even though we'll be scratching our heads again on Thursdays, lol. are you sure you can't hide Eric's new glasses so you can get a picture of those broken ones?!
and good to hear Payton is getting better, maybe it's better she was sick now instead of for her b-day party. hopefully it's out of the way and she'll be better!! take care, Amber & have fun watching Lost tonight!!!!
p.s. - my word verification is obpie. now that's just wrong, ob pie???! ew.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yeah. i need to think up something absolutely amazing and fun to celebrate it. like a lost party bbq at my house tonight. the only people that would show is the G. muwhahaahahaha. and it prolly wouldn't end up being a big bbq so we'd just pick up drive thru mcdonalds. oooh, but to step out of the box, i could order a coke! Hahahahaha. ok. now im rambling.
how hillarious? eric was gonna wear his taped up glasses for it. hahaha. i can kinda picture it now! hehe.
glad the little p is doing better :) Yay for her Birthday and Dora Party!!
well, good luck to us tonight.
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