After a looooong break, it didn't disappoint. Not me anyway. That was one of the most intense episodes. It was nice to see Juliet's back story and to see that she was actually taken there. And it seemed to be against her will. How crazy was it the way they set her up? Her saying that the only way she could go is if her husband got hit by a bus and then...

He gets hit by a bus. Who saw that one coming?? Not me for sure. And one of my fave parts, Kate telling Jack the story over the walkie talkie about his surgery. That was a sweet part, for sure.

So that's it. The LOST recap for episode 1. Sooo good. Eric and I both enjoyed it. He still had to say his "well I'm a little disappointed". It's a running joke we have, he started saying that last season when some of the episodes just weren't showing any info. So now he says it for every one. Now next week, I'm ready for them to go storming onto the other island to save Jack. We'll see what happens ;)
I knew they were going to kill her husband with the bus! If you look closely you will see ETHAN is driving the bus!!!
Also, I still think there is an underwater tunel that leads to the other island...
So...Ben/fake Henry hooked up with the french women...if indeed Ben/fake Henry is Alex's Father!
Oh. My. WORD. I was clenched the WHOLE time!!!!!! I'm not doing a recap because, well, my friend.... you captured it perfectly! Ahhh. I love it. Dude. I was in shambles the whole time. And the part where Alex had to say goodbye bc she couldn't go with Karl. Hello, BEN is pretending to be ALEX's father!!!! Whaaa??? Oh man. That one had me at hello. And you're right. I was in tears when Kate was explaining the story back to Jack. Genius writers.
Sigh. Surely not a disappointment. Surely.
ahhhh! that picture of the guy wearing the glasses here FREAKS me out!! i don't even have words for how creepy it all is. and there are so many questions. what an awesome show!!
ETHAN! I forgot about Ethan.. he was driving the bus? HOLY CRAP thank goodness I didn't erase it off the DVR, I'm so going to check that out. (Thanks for the tip up there!) He was also at the beginning in the hallway the first time we see Juliette go give her sister, meds. CREEPY ETHAN.
I got a little teary eyed when Kate was retelling Jack's story. But I'm a nut like that.
I think we need one separate Lost blog that we can all post to. For reals!
okay.....no lost for me.
no t.v, actually.
no time.
BUT .... wanted to give
your cutie girl a BIG
I hope the Dora party is
a success....can't wait
to see the fun!
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