Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Wanna Play?

So I saw this game on D's blog, who got it from Heidi, who got it from her cousin's in laws, hair dresser's aunt (no link provided). So anyhoo, here goes. Leave a comment and I will...

1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll tell you which song or movie you remind me of.
3. I'll pick a kind of beverage or goodie to share with you.
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5. I'll tell you my first memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what famous person you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wondered about you.
8. If you play, you MUST post this on your blog.


Heidi Joe said...

Me me me! Pick Me!

Deanna G. said...

[Raising hand from the back of the class] OOh OOH! Me next, me next!

Brandy Schaaf said...

Me too! Will I be banned if I dont post it on my blog??? You know how bad I am about keeping it up. :)

amber said...

Here goes. First up is Heidi!

1. You and your blog crack me up. Everytime. Love your randomness.

2. Moving On Up from the Jeffersons. Cuz when you had that on your blog and I'd check in, I'd be singing it the rest of the day.

3. Sprinkles cupcakes in Dallas one day? (The Dharma peanut butter is killing me!) Ooh and now some Lousiana crawfish. Girlah crawfish boil at my house?

4. Of course I'm gonna have to say it booses my confidentiality. We need more of those asap! Ooh and maybe the liberation of the Heidi Swapp flower center?

5. Definitely comments on my posts back in the good ole 2peas days.

6. Betty Rubble, but with much cooler hair.

7. How tall you are.

amber said...

D, you're next.

1. Ok. So you and Heidi both commented on my voice for this one, and that was the first thing that popped into my head about you. How cute your voice is. So I'ma hafta go with that one too. Great minds think alike. ;)

2. The Notebook. Because of the random cj's and the awesome line that you included.

3. Beans & franks? LoL. And you could have Pepsi while I have a cherry limeade.

4. Hello? And our neverending sense of time flying. For sure.

5. Definitely early comments on 2peas and my blog.

6. Lucy Lui?

7. Hmmm. This one's tough. How about how you and the G met?

amber said...


1. You experiment with different recipes all the time. And I wish I could do that too.

2. I was trying to think about something from high school days. How about a tape? That old Jeff Ables tape you had given me. LoL.

3. Right now I'm thinking the bread bowl dip thing you make. Yumm-o.

4. Concussions. Enough said.

5. 9th grade in Home Ec. Mrs. Gary.

6. Monica Gellar from friends. Not sure why. Just because.

7. Not much. I've known you too long. And I guess too well. ;)

Brandy Schaaf said...
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Brandy Schaaf said...

OMG!! #4 had me dying with laughter. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!
You have a better memory than me. What Jeff Ables tape????
So I guess I will have to make the bread bowl dip thing for you on Saturday when y'all come for Drew's party. :)

5:49 PM
I deleted the other b/c I suck at typing. :)

Shainanakins said...

Yo, yo, yo its me coming in last..hahaha! leavin my "comment", so holla, holla at a sista...hahahahaha omg!

P.S. thanx for the comment and the anniversary wish..oh to b that young again..lol!

amber said...

Shaina, here goes.

1. You have really good hair. For real. I've always thought so! ;)

2. "This is why I'm hot". What else? Good times. Good times.

3. Winn Dixie german chocolate brownies of course!

4. Beach chairs and umbrellas included. LoL. ;)

5. Meeting at the 4th of July family deal at church. I think that's where we first met. I'm gettin old help a sister out!

6. I'm gonna hafta go with like Reese Witherspoon. A fashionable momma!

7. How do you stay looking so good after 4 kids? No, seriously! ;)

Anonymous said...

okay i think im a bit late for this amber but been on holiday and just catching up on my blogs.....i love your playlist btw :)

sarah x

Deanna G. said...

OMG I LOVE IT :) You totally hit the nail on the flippin head! Ha! And my love for the Notebook and Nicholas Sparks and you and you read his books and Beans and Franks and TIME! OH!!! Time!!!!!!!!! sigh. Seriously. XO!

PS - The G and I met one glorious day in Maui :) Ha. It was my first year in college... College Sweethearts <3 We worked at the computer lab together and would write each other subliminal notes on our timecard folders. And I brought him sushi one day (fastest way to a guy's heart is through his stomach yaddah yaddah from my ma and gramma). One day he mustered up and asked me if I wanted to hang out... and we've been hanging out ever since ;) YAY! The beginning.

How did you and E meet?

Shainanakins said...

1. I'll respond with something random about you....You have the prettiest long legs ever, seriously!;)
2. I'll tell you which song or movie you remind me of...nanana jessie'S girl...lol!!
3. I'll pick a kind of beverage or goodie to share with you...oh man, how about a cherry limeade and some wingstop wings extra, extra ranch..please!!
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me....hmmm your boyfriend down the street..lol!!!
5. I'll tell you my first memory of you....oh yes i do remember 4th of july event at bethel..awe madi was just a itty bitty baby:o(
6. I'll tell you what famous person you remind me of....ooh Cameron Diaz..Sexy and classy!
7. I'll ask you something I've always wondered about you...how the heck you think of all this cool creative stuff, seriously your another Martha Stewart;)

I know, i didn't post it on my blog but your the only one who ever leaves me comments cause i'm a loser baby...hahahaha! shhh..i'm just a blog stalker..lol!

diary of a suburban momma said...

How do you play with someone you don't know? I'm curious:)

-a random blog stalker:)

On to Jr. High!