The kids, Eric and I enjoyed the fun jump before everyone got there. The guy came really early that morning and the party didn't start until 2, so we had some time to jump. I seriously could hardly move afterward. I was so exhausted. That is definitely a fun cardio workout. Maybe we should invest in one for the backyard? ;)
And she opened a ton of presents. She got clothes, books, toys, a tea set to match her room, an art desk, a gameboy and all the accessories, movies, sleeping bag, coloring books, playdough and accessories, sunglasses. All kinds of goodies. Her and Cameron are in heaven with all the new stuff. It's like Christmas all over again.
The kids had lots of fun with the Dora pinata. Cameron managed to knock Dora's head off. They seemed to enjoy beating her with a stick a little too much. ;)
We had a lot of people show up, which made us very happy. After Cameron's party, I was a little worried. But we had a full house. Eric cooked a big chili. The weather was beautiful. Sunny all day and in the upper 50's-60's.
I now need to play catch up. Her actual birthday is tomorrow, she has a doctor's appt., I have a mommy and me dance class with Cam at school. I'll have to get Payton's bday dinner cooked.
There are definite things to do in the scrappy dept. Alex, your CJ is about halfway finished and WILL go out this week. And I haven't started with round 2's CJ. So there may have to be blank pages mailed out. Sorry girls! I'm gonna try my hardest to at least get my page done. It snuck up on me! On the bright side, I did get my secret Valentine's Day package mailed out, so hopefully she gets it today. I did remember that. Probably only because I got a great package in from Heidi. Thanks again girl!
So happy Monday to you all! Lots to go do. Sigh. What else is new?
you guys really know how to party!
how fun!
i want a barbie jeep too!
i hope you get to RELAX one of
these days amber....
my list of things to do
is also driving me bananas.
OH my gosh.. you did not have the blow up jump thingy!!?? That is so cool!! You know how to throw a par--tay!!! Happy birthday to Peyton!!!
what a cool bday party!! love all your pics. esp the one of Dora's head just 'hanging there'.LOL
looks like everyone had a blast!!
Glad the party turned out so well. Give her birthday hugs and kisses from all of us.
Hope our little birthday girl is feeling better now.
Ma Pye, Uncle Dale and I are all down with colds now too. Really the pits.
she is so adorable, Amber!!! love the picture of her with the sunglasses, TOO CUTE! looks like such a fun time, and makes me want to have spring weather NOW!
Looks like a little girls dream party!! Good job Mom!!
You have the cutest kiddos.
now thats how you throw a DOra party!
mom of the year goes to you...hello?!?
how fun and happy birthday Peyton!
Oh. MY. I laughed so hard. Why is it that I always read the funniest posts at work (right next to my boss' office? Muwahaha).
Her face looking at that cake is sooooooo adorable. And the part abt them loving beating the pinata with the stick. lmao. For rill, hahahahalskjakjfkajdfka.
Ohhh Amber. Hot Dangggg, that looked like a Party!!! Yay for the Birthday Girl!
okay seeing these pics (mainly the one of Payton with her cake and you on the side) really makes me look forward to being a mommy. I don't know why but I can't wait.
it looks like the Dora party went well and that little Payt was feeling much better.
don't forget to find some time for yourself to relax okay? cuz the last thing you need is to get sick from being stressed out with all this stuff you need to do!
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