Thursday, May 24, 2007

To Say the Least...

Wednesday was CRAZY. It started off with Cameron's end of year program/graduation to 1st grade. The fact that I'm about to be a mommy of a first grader is insane to me. Here is my handsome 1st grader. The pic is dark, I know, with my non-editing skills self.

So I pretty much painted most of the day and then he came in and had a tball game.
Cam's blurry in the pic, but I thought the pic looked cool anyway. He's been pitched to pretty much every game. The tee is history. Unless they get 3 strikes, then they hit off of the tee. There are no outs yet. Although, he did make one last night. He was playing 2nd base, the ball came to him and he stopped it and ran it to his base and beat the runner. And Daddy was talking and missed it.

So after the game, we went grab a bite because Mommy was painting all day and failed to plan for supper. And if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I'm very deep this Thursday morning, huh? So in the back of my brain the whole time we were eating, I just knew that the DVR was messing up my shows. I just knew it. And I wasn't entirely wrong. It totally cut off the end of American Idol. Someone needs to tell Ryan that the show is exactly 2 hours long, so give the results within the 2 hours not after. As genius as the DVR is, it cannot account for stupidity. So, I totally missed the end and had to come search online.

Lost. OHMYWORD. Have I mentioned how genius this show is? I heart it lots. For once in my Lost watching, I was actually right on something. I knew that it was a flash forward, not back. Although I was a little confused as to why he was referring to his dad as though he was still alive. Of course he was drunk and high all the time, so that could be why. ;) Ok I won't go on and on, because after all we do have a blog for that.

Happy happy Thursday to you.


Jill H said...

awww, that picture of Cameron is grown up looking!! and Lost, oh my gosh...i was right on about the future thing too! i just knew something was off about that flashback, Jack never had a nasty beard like that, lol. i'm heading over to the lost blog to hear what you all thought :)

Deanna G. said...

that fence pic is awesome :) and i'm with jill. cam looks so grown up :) heh. cutie.

i'm still dying abt Lost. i got that tense neck filling. ahhhhk. so so so so great, eh.

i didn't watch AI but figured she'd win.

On to Jr. High!