Thursday, May 10, 2007


That's how I've been feeling the last couple of days. Head feels like it's gonna explode, runny nose, sneezing, chills, achey. Yuck. Hopefully it'll be gone by the weekend.

So first things first, American Idol. Soooooo glad that Blake didn't leave. He stunk it up on Tuesday night, but I think the Bon Jovi performance was enough to keep him there. I am so hoping that he makes it to the final. I think that Melinda and Jordin are awesome. I love them both, but what a snooze fest the finale's gonna be with them. Ballad after ballad after zzzzzzz. At least Blake will keep the finale interesting. I really hope he makes it!

And Lost. Ohmyword. AMAZING. I still can't grasp everything that happend last night. Being sick while trying to watch stunk, but I still enjoyed it to bits.

I had to include this video. Pause it on :11 to see "Jacob". So stinking creepy. I totally had chills when he said "Help me". It's gonna be a looooong summer when this show ends. I've been DVRing old Wonder Years reruns to give Eric and I something to watch when AI and Lost end. LoL.

Cannot believe that it's already Thursday. Where has the week gone? I'm thinking Eric may have to work Saturday, which is really gonna be a bummer. But Jenny and Ali will be in. So that'll be fun. Hope you all have a fab rest of the week! :)


Ali said...

Hope you feel less Blah and more Better!
We are anxiously counting down the hours to we visit.
BTW: i saw 10 seconds left of that tube clip right after he 'kicks' Ben to the wall.

Heidi Joe said...

DUDE. DUDE. DUDE. I'm still all freaked out because of Jacob. That video is the bomb, Amber!

All day long this girl that I work with and I were defending our nerdiness about Lost to everyone else at work! So funny. Hope you get to feeling better soon. Good call on the Wonder Years, too. I might have to do that.

Deanna G. said...

oh. my. gosh. i play/pause/play/pause/play/pause over and over and i finally saw jacob. hahahah. whoa. shocker.

and you and eric are genius. i need to find us something to watch once lost wraps, ahhhhhhhh. lost is life. hahaha.

hope you feel better soon :)

Jill H said...

hope you're feeling better soon, Amber!! gosh, LOST, oh my gosh. more questions but such a good episode.

On to Jr. High!