So last night, I spent some time with 2 important fellas. (Don't worry Eric was with me.) ;) Blake made it to the final! Yay! Except I hated to see Melinda go. She really is so good. But she'll still have an amazing career, I'm thinking.

And fella number 2, this guy here. Do they maybe resemble each other a little? Maybe. Anyhoo. This episode was the bombdiggity. Just like last week, and I'm sure next week. Charlie was so good in this episode. His greatest hits list was the sweetest. "The night I met you." Sigh. And leaving his ring with Aaron? Although I'm pretty sure that would pose some sort of choking hazard, but oh well. It was left behind anyway when they left for the radio tower.
So there you go, yet another tv post. For all of you non-Lost watchers, have no fear, it all ends Wednesday. Then I'll actually have to find other stuff to post about. LoL. Have a fab weekend, folks! :)
oh i knew you would have it posted....heehee...i was tempted not to look as its not aired here till tonight but i am surprised melinda left!! Blake must have rocked it...he is kinda cute though, i agree. Isnt that guy below the scottish guy who was in Lordof the rings? wasnt he a hobbit? he might just look a bit like him of course......anyway have a great weekend :)
Charlie was the Hobbit, Pippin, in LOTR.
LOST was really good Wednesday night...loved the underwater hatch...I had a feeling there were going to be people still in it!
Hope you guys have a good weekend!
yes yes, lost was so great :) and we just have to wait like five more days and they'll give us two hours. holy cow. i think we'll have to enter a program to help the withdrawals :op
hope you guys have a most wonderful weekend!
I was thinking of taking off work on Wednesday just to prepare for Lost and AI. I don't know if I can handle it!
yes, Lost was so good this week!! Charlie's list, AWWWWWW! so sweet. cannot wait for the 2 hr finale. and then we wait til January :(
hope you had a good weekend =)
go blake go!!!
love him
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