Saturday we finished up Christmas shopping for the kiddies before picking them up. So excited about that. When we got home, I got to open my birthday gift. There had been a small box on the buffet for the last few days, wrapped with wrapping from the store that he works at, so I of course figured jewelry. But turns out, it was just a memory card for this baby...

As soon as I saw the memory card, I was asking "where is it?" LoL. So he comes in with the camera, a carrying bag and some other accessories. I had been asking for this for Christmas, but he wanted to make it a birthday gift so that we could get pics of all the Christmas festivities. Sigh. I was pretty excited to say the least. I spent some time reading up on it, but there are so many features I was a little overwhelmed. I can take a basic pic and I guess that's good enough for now. So, anyway, here are a few of the pics that I've taken. On Sunday, we went to church, out for lunch and the local Christmas parade, then home to put together a gingerbread house.

And I can't forget to give a HUGE shoutout to my CJ/blog/2Peas girls! Oh my goodness. They each made me a LOST themed page for my birthday. I was so excited looking through everyone's page. You girls rock. Thank you all so very much! Have a great Monday everyone!! :)
The DigiRebel XTI! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :) Me and Jamie and remote twins. Me and you could be camera twins... so if you figure out more tricks with that bad boy, let me know ;) Heh. Sounds like you had a most wonderful birthday Amber! I'm so glad!
All the pages the peoples made were soo sooo soooooo rad! I'll send you mine this week. present:)
glad you had a good fun birthday. I will send my little card as soon as possible, may take a while from here what with christmas and stuff.
have a great time figuring out the new camera, looking forward to seeing the pics :)
awesome pictures, Amber!!! what a wonderful gift, your hubby rocks :) it was so fun making your Lost page & fun seeing what the other girls made, glad you liked them =)
those are some really FAB shots you got of your kiddos!
you *lucky* girl.
GREAT gift!
mine will be in the mail this week too!
so glad you like your Lost pages. I love the theme the other girls picked out, even though I don't watch. just know you are loved!! mine will be in the mail this week too...I hope.
THE camera!!!
how awesome of him to give it too you for your birthday so you could use it for Christmas...
glad to hear your birthday was a great one.
enjoy your book...the pages turned out super fly.
i'll send mine out soon.
Michelle r
OOOo... the coveted digirebel!! You lucky girl!!
Glad to hear you had a marvelous birthday!! 3-0 ROCKS!
YAY!!! I'm so excited for you and your fun new camera. Just in time for Christmas!!
I'm sending your LOST LO in the mail tomorrow...
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