Wednesday, October 11, 2006

No Opera Singing Today...

promise. But still very excited about Lost nonetheless. And we started watching the Nine, not sure if that will be a good one or not, but hey we were into Invasion so that shows we'll watch just about anything. Yeah we were pretty bummed invasion got the boot (like it was some big surprise).

Very excited to have been invited to take part in my very first circle journal. Have been wanting to do this and even though I've been pretty busy, I'm gonna make the time to do this. Actually heading out to the scrapbook store in a bit for supplies. Excited but with Payton in tow, it'll be interesting. For those of you nonscrappers a circle journal is a little book that you make with a certain theme. Then you mail it off to the next person on your list and they scrap a page about that theme in your book and mail it on. When you get your book back, it's all scrapped up! Cannot wait to see what everyone comes up with. And thanks again to the fabulous Deanna for the invite.

So yesterday was catch up on laundry day. Seriously folded clothes for half of the day. One of my least favorite chores ever. But well it had to be done. And it's done. For at least a day or so. LoL.

Very random post today. And I know I've been promising pics, I am in the process of taking new ones of all of my work and I'll post those at some point.

Double date night on Friday. Very excited. The kiddies are spending the night with grandma and we are going out with another couple. Haven't had a date night in awhile. Then Eric's getting in his golf game on Saturday and I'm having a Southern Living at Home party here at the house. Thank goodness we started cleaning last weekend, because I seriously would be very overwhelmed right now. And I am still a bit overwhelmed. Who knew 800 more square feet on a house added so much cleaning. Our last house was 1500 square feet and I had that thing cleaned in no time. It was so easy to keep up. Now, I always feel like I am cleaning. Like I'm never caught up. And I've come to the realization that with a playroom in the house, the house will never be completely clean. I tell them everytime "I'm not cleaning this room again". Yeah right mom. If mom doesn't clean it, it will never get done. Sure Cam & Payt try their best. But their best is usually shoving all of the toys under the train table and behind the door. So I will clean it again. Like always. But I'm waiting until they are at Grandma's Friday afternoon to get started. Ok mommy's complaining is complete. Thank you for bearing with me.

Anyways, that's all I've got. Hope you all have a great Lostday, I mean Wednesday. ;)


Ali said...

Congrats on the circle journal!
There is a great show playing tonight at 9 eastern /8 central.
Have fun on Date night...Jenny and I had one Saturday: bowling/ foozball/ and was fun.

Brandy Schaaf said...

Next time you do a circle Jornal tell them you have a friend who is interested. Maybe that would kick my butt in gear to start scrapping again. I am so lazy lately.
Ohh Double Date night. HAd one of those last friday night. It was so quiet and peaceful, have fun.
See you Saturday.

Anonymous said...

your musings are sometimes amusing and sometimes informative. I must say, I shall try this Lost show tonight and see if it is all what you crack it up to be. I can't believe I found you on here! I went to High School with you at Acadiana High!

Brandy Schaaf said...
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Jill H said...

ok, so LOST...what'd you think?! the ending was awesome. Ben is SO CREEPY, isn't he?! lived his whole life on the island, hmmm. lots of info last night.

have fun on your date night!! and have fun w/your CJ, those are so fun.

Elizabeth said...

I can hardly wait for next week's epi of LOST!!! so intruiging huh?
yeah we have gotten started with the 9 too... not sure if I'll be hooked.
yay for the cj.. that is so fun!! I am doing my first one, and its so fun to think outside the box w/ topics!!

have an awesome date night =)

darcy said...

Lost was a doosey.. as usual. I am a Sawyer fan now. The dude cracks me up. Him and Harley. Can't wait til we get to be with Harley next week. =) We want to watch the Nine, but our bedtime is 10pm!! Shoot.

Yeah for date night!!! Gotta have date nights. =)

And yeah, I'm with you and the cleaning. Sometimes I look at gigantuan houses and wonder, "Who in the HECK wants to clean all that?!"

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhhhhh! So dang excited about the Circle Journal. For rill. I believe you be the first person I send mine to! Woot woot :) Hahhaa. Thanks so much for taking part. I love your stuffies.

LOST? OMGosh. What in the? Last night was ohmygoodness. Sun? Pssh. She swore towards the end of Season 2. Then the beginning scenes? Wow.

I so don't like laundry at all. I just let it overflow and pile up. Hahaha... I'm learning.

Can't wait to see your art work too girlah :)

On to Jr. High!