So we did some spring cleaning in the fall on Saturday. I have been quite overwhelmed this last month with all the painting, the house has been very neglected. Just when I was caught up with painting on Saturday morning, 4 more things sold so now I'm way behind again. But I'm not complaining! LoL.
Have a great day!
Yeah for spring cleaning in the fall!! And I'm happy that you are selling so many paintings!! We need to see some pics of these masterpieces. =)
I missed your Lost post. Yeah, I'm totally more lost than ever now. That show... you'd think the writers would get confused on how everything links. But yeah, we love it!!!
aww, your kids look SO cute all bundled up!! i hope your fall weather stays. i agree w/Darcy, we NEED to see these paintings that are selling like hotcakes, lol =)
what a couple of cuties!! we're supposed to get snow this week!!! (and it was 77degrees yesterday)
midwest weather for ya!!
that is awesome that you are selling your paintings. I would love to see your work.. you'll have to show us sometime =)
Awww, he calls her PayPayt? Soooo cute :) Yay for selling paintings :) Woot Woot. T-minus one day til Lost, lol.
cute pics of your kids all bundled up. Glad you are getting some autumn type weather.:)
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