Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I Sang From the Wrong Rectum...
Words cannot express how excited E and I are about Lost returning tonight...Hope it doesn't disappoint.. ;) Happy Wednesday!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I'm A Day Late...
In other totally unrelated news, the stitches are out. But the cut is not closed up, so mommy's a little freaked out about him going to school like that. They are playing *gasp* volleyball in PE. That alone is almost enough for me to keep him home. His PE excuse expired yesterday. But apparently when he went to school with it unwrapped yesterday, the PE coach told him she doesn't want him playing the rest of the week. Thank God for that! I don't think I'll get coach Eric to let him sit out of basketball again on Saturday though, but be assured that it'll be wrapped so thick he won't even be able to hear out of it. The doc yesterday told me I didn't need to wrap it anymore, but I did this morning. It puts my mind a little more at ease to know that the gruesome cut is at least covered while he's at school. His teacher let him stay in with her for recess all week which has been nice as well. He certainly doesn't mind getting the computer all to himself the whole time... ;)
So hopefully E and I will catch up on American Idol tonight. I also DVRed the season finale of LOST from last season to watch. Less than a week until the return of that bad boy...I'm beyond excited! Happy Thursday!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Oh What A Night...
The kids had a knock down drag out. Cam hit Payton in the eye, and then she bit his ear a la Mike Tyson...
Ok, just joking. On Friday afternoon, Cameron was playing Nerf Dart tag with his friends like they do everyday after school. He was running and tried to go through the subdivision sign and the big palm tree next to it. As he was running by the palm, one of the razor sharp branches caught his ear and went completely through it. As he kept running, it basically ripped his ear. It was gruesome to say the least. After putting the wet rag over it and it got cleaned up a bit, I could see the cartiledge basically hanging out. That's something that one who's not in the medical field, really doesn't need to see. I was about to faint. I called the doc on call and he said to get him in to the ER. Eric got home about 10 minutes later and we rushed to the hospital. He ended up with 4 stitches on the front and 1 on the back. He'll have a good scar on his ear, but it'll give him character, right? After leaving, we went to the store to fill his prescription then home. We got to the hospital at 6:30pm and didn't get home until midnight.
Chapter 2...We get home, I put an exhausted, sleeping Payton in her bed, turn to walk out and hear BAM...WAAAAHHHH! I turn around and Payton had rolled out of her bed and hit her eye on the corner of the night stand. She hit her eyelid and had a cut on it. Mommy was crying along with her. How much can one Mommy take on a random Friday night? LoL. All is well now. Cam is the most upset that he has to miss his 2 basketball games today. He'll be cheering his team on from the sideline.
I'm convinced that this weekend will be a good one in spite of Friday night. LoL. Hope yours is a good one...
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Starting the New Year Off with the Random...
**Eric and Cameron and the rest of the BYYA Hornets are 0-1. Their first game didn't go so well, we are hoping for a turnaround this Saturday as they have a double header. It's frustrating when there are several kids who only show up for the games and have no clue what's going on. They miss all of the plays that they teach in practice and are lost out on the court when it's gametime . :(
**As far as the post last month when I said that I was settling into 32 nicely, I didn't take into account the 4 grey hairs that I would find in the weeks following. So maybe 32 isn't so nice after all. :P
**The diet resumes today. We took a break for the holidays and basically made pigs of ourselves. I seriously don't know if I've ever eaten that much food in all of my life. I'm sure when I step on the Wii fit today, I'll be getting a lecture. LoL. And my Mii's belly is gonna expand something fierce.
**Heading out to Target for a few things. And because I haven't been since before Christmas. I went so many times before Christmas that I couldn't stand the site of the place for awhile and took a little break. They have some spring things in for Payton that I love. Paris themed shirts with plaid bermuda shorts and cropped polkadot sweaters to match. Oh my. A woman could go crazy, I tell ya.
**Loving this soap lately. From Old Navy. I've been using the green tea. It smells soooo good, it makes me want to take baths at random times during the day. I'm really hoping that it wasn't just a holiday thing. I need to head over there to see if I can stock up on some more.
** Really exciting news can be found here. Yay!!
**Happy getting back to normal after the holidays to you!!
I know that my family and some very close friends read this blog. I also know that people that don't know me so well read this blog. So,...
promise. But still very excited about Lost nonetheless. And we started watching the Nine, not sure if that will be a good one or not, but ...