Words cannot express how excited E and I are about Lost returning tonight...Hope it doesn't disappoint.. ;) Happy Wednesday!
In other totally unrelated news, the stitches are out. But the cut is not closed up, so mommy's a little freaked out about him going to school like that. They are playing *gasp* volleyball in PE. That alone is almost enough for me to keep him home. His PE excuse expired yesterday. But apparently when he went to school with it unwrapped yesterday, the PE coach told him she doesn't want him playing the rest of the week. Thank God for that! I don't think I'll get coach Eric to let him sit out of basketball again on Saturday though, but be assured that it'll be wrapped so thick he won't even be able to hear out of it. The doc yesterday told me I didn't need to wrap it anymore, but I did this morning. It puts my mind a little more at ease to know that the gruesome cut is at least covered while he's at school. His teacher let him stay in with her for recess all week which has been nice as well. He certainly doesn't mind getting the computer all to himself the whole time... ;)
So hopefully E and I will catch up on American Idol tonight. I also DVRed the season finale of LOST from last season to watch. Less than a week until the return of that bad boy...I'm beyond excited! Happy Thursday!
**Happy getting back to normal after the holidays to you!!