Love the looong weekends, when Tuesday feels like Monday. Such a fun weekend. Friday night, the kiddies slept at my mom's house and we had a date night. Went out to eat and stopped at Blockbuster to get some movies. Got home to watch them and both fell asleep instead. At about 10:30. Are we getting old or what? Saturday night, went to our friends house that we have not done anything with in a while so that was fun. Thanks Brandy & Steve! Sunday and Monday were spent dodging the rain and trying to swim in between the showers. The kids had a blast! They absolutely loved swimming.
Eric and I's 7 year anniversary is coming up next Monday. Cannot believe it has been 7 years. Not sure what we are going to do yet.
Does anyone remember the Weebles? As in Weebles wobble but they don't fall down? Cameron & Payton have a DVD with a preview for the Weebles (I guess it is a show now). All day yesterday Cameron kept singing Weegles woggle but they don't fall down. Eric & I must have told him 100 times that it is weebles, not weegles. That is so Cameron though. He sings the wrong words to a song and no matter how many times you tell him the right way, he just doesn't get it. It is quite hilarious. For instance, there is a song on one of their CDs that goes "he went walking and leaping and praising GOd". Well without fail, every time Cameron sings "he went walking & leaking and praising God". It is so funny.
Hope everyone has a great day!
Cameron takes after his nanny who also can't sing a song with the write words for anything.
I think it must run in the family.
Silly me. I put write instead of right. Apparently, I can't form a sentence with the right words.
Looks and reads as though you all had a good and great time! I commend you guys on such a great time you have had! I am proud of you Amber and the rest of the Family...Gatlinburg is just around the bend...or corner next to the bakery...on the side of the pickle factory.
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