Well friends, I have returned. It was such a wonderful week, but alas, life must return to its routine. We stayed in a cabin in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. This was the majority of our groups first visit there. My BIL and one of my sisters had been before. We all had a great time. Eric and I usually do the beach or Disney, so it was a nice change. Even though Eric insists we will still take a long weekend to the beach before Cameron starts school.
This picture was taken right in front of our cabin. We had the most gorgeous view. We could see the mountains from the living room.

We did so many things. The first day, we went to Ripley's Aquarium. Seriously the best aquarium we have ever been too. They had so much to see and do, it was great!
One day, we drove to a hiking trail and hiked up the 1.3 miles to the top where there was a beautiful water fall. Now I know that 1.3 miles does not seem like much and this trail was rated "E" for easy. But let me tell you, 1.3 miles up hill with a child on your hip or back part of the way does not make for an easy hike. The view at the top made it all worth it, but it was not easy going up, coming down was easy though.

One day, everyone went white water rafting execpt for Payton, my mom & I. We went shopping at the fabulous outlet mall in Sevierville and since we were right there, I of course had to visit the Scrapbook Superstore. What a great store. First of all, it is huge. Secondly there is an awesome play area for the kids and men's lounge for the hubbies. Bought some scrap goodies. Hopefully will get back to scrapping soon.
It was quite the exhausting vacation. There is so much to do there. We literally went all day everyday, and were exhausted at night, but still managed to get in a few hours of pool in the evenings;)

The swimming pool was just a 2 minute drive from our cabin. The kids loved swimming in the evenings. As with every vacation, when asked "What was your favorite part of vacation", Cameron's answer is swimming. This is even with Disneyworld. So Eric and I are thinking, why spend all this money on these fun vacations. Why not just put in a pool instead? Nah! I rather enjoy our vacations.
There will be more pictures to follow. Blogger says that four is enough for one day. Thank you blogger, for being so generous. lol.
Yeah!! so glad to read about your vacation!! Sounds like it was fab. =) And there's a srapstore in Sevierville? My sis lives an hour from there.. must go next time I see her. =) What gorgeous pics!!! Can't wait to see them scrapped. =)
Swiss we had a great time, Gouda really missed out! AT Least Monterey Jack and Cheddar were there. Thanks for describing the vacation so well...Now I can just point people to your blog to describe most of the details.
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