How many of you are AI fans? Well, hands down I have my winner from last night.

Did you see her? The girl with the neck tie singing Prince's Kiss? Oh my word! I was laughing so hard. "Women not girls, I said women not girls, not girls, women, be my girl, rule my world, women not girls." And they let her go on FOREVER. Struggling to remember how the song went. So stinking funny!
How can you do that to yourself? Really.
And then there are the kids who couldn't sing a tune if their life depends on it and there are their parents telling them how good they are and to go for it. I mean really, I intend to encourage my children's hopes and dreams, but I gotta draw the line at them going on national tv to try and sing if they really can't. Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE for my kid's to have some sort of singing talent. I don't know if that's genetic or not. If it is, they will most definitely not have an ounce.
I've got a ton of painting to do. So much, it hurts my head to think about it. And Dora party invites to make. And house to clean. And the list goes on and on. So I guess I should sign off and get my rear in gear. Sleeping until 10:30 really makes it hard to get going.
Happy day to you all!
ok first...i can't believe you got to sleep in that late.
what heaven!
and AI?!? every season i saw i'm not going to get sucked in again, i am.
last night was hilarious and yes that girl was a RIOT!!
can you believe what some people will do to get on tv.
the tryouts are the best.
good luck with the painting and Dora party. we did Dora for my daughters 2nd. fun times
don't hurt your self painting...i hear people can get SPS: Sleep Painting Syndrom...they paint so much...that their hands think it is still painting in the night! One woman severely hurt her husband!
Also, I didn't want to watch AI...but Jenny did so we compromised! It was terrible! That girl was the best!
Good luck with planning the party!
yaya for sleeping in!! my kid sleeps til 10am everyday!! I'm a tad spoiled...(til baby arrives)
AI certainly knows how to get ratings up. I wonder how hard the producers laugh as they try and splice together who gets aired!
sometimes I think people try to be THAT bad , so they can end up like the Hung guy!
have fun prepping for your partee!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. I almost lost all my marbles with that girl. Holy cow, I don't really watch AI, but the G loves it. Like so much. So we watched. And I laughed so dang hard at that girl. Hands down most hillarious to date.
Dora party sounds fun!!
OH CRAP... that girl was so funny! She kept on snapping... and then I think she even said, "Rule my world, then I do a twirl."
My favorite was the girl that sang like the Lion in Wizard of Oz only she sounded like Chewbacca instead.
American Idol is like crack, I tell you. Every year, I say, I'm not going to watch it till the end... blah blah blah, and then here I am with no life because I have to get home to watch Idol.
The first time me and my hubby watched AI last night and I was laughing so hard I was crying. I think Im hooked!!
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