Thursday, May 03, 2007

Happy Birthday...

To you.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday dear random-musings-of-a-stay-at-home-mom.
Happy Birthday to you.

That's right folks, the blog is one year old today. And in order to celebrate, I'm giving away a RAK. Or surprise to you folks who don't know what a RAK is. So what do you have to do? Leave a comment. You have until Monday morning to at which point my lovely assistant and I will pull a winner.

Have a fabulous weekend and don't forget to leave a comment!! :)


Anonymous said...

Well i wanna win a RAK haha! Don't have any idea what a RAK is tho?!? LOL! And I wanna say Happy Birthday to the Random Musings of a Stay at Home Happy Birthday!! Hahaha! And i must say what a beautiful pic of Mommy and Pey-Pey!=) Glamorous Girlz!!! Mwaw!! ~Shainakins

Ali said...

Happy Blog birthday!
What Random Act of Kindness would I win? So for all the people who respond to this blog entry you will write their names on a little piece of paper and put them in a black top hat? Then have your assistant, Paypay pull the name?
That is an interesting idea, and very creative!

Deanna G. said...

dude! phil got the boot. i think it was bc of his wonky eye?

hahaha... holy cow. happy birthday to your blog. good thing there's a box on its way to you as we speak :) it could be like mini celebration, heh.

payton is so your vanna :)

Anonymous said...

Awe! Happy blog birthday!
Fun, Fun. =)

Darcy.. I'm not sure why it's not giving me the option of signing in? But this is really Darcy!!!

Brandy Schaaf said...

You are too funny!
Happy Bloggy birthday!
Has it really been a year already????

Jamie Ko said...

so it's a blog birthday huh? where is the man jumping out of the cake??

oh wait, that's the wrong kind of celebration..hee hee..

happy berfday dear random-musings-of-a-stay-at-home-mom!!

Anonymous said...

okay so i had to leave a comment even though i was blown away by the rappy/bon jovi video on your previous post so i left one there too!! Heeeeeeheeee

happy birthday amber's bloggie.


***tiffany said...

Haha. Your assistant, huh?
Would that be the same as that cute
little blonde you're always showing off pictures of?
Have a great weekend..!

Heidi Joe said...

Happy Birthday, friend! Actually, Blog of friend!

You look so glowy and pretty in that photo of you and your assistant. =)

Jill H said...

oh my gosh, your assistant is just WAY too cute :) happy blog birthday!

Rice said...

I just discovered your blog recently but enjoy it.

Here's to another year of blogging.

Has anyone ever told you that your assistant is just adorable? I'm sure they have. Many times.

On to Jr. High!