Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Busy Bee...

That's me. I'm thinking that if you took my blood pressure yesterday, it would have been off the charts. Literally the busiest day of my life. Today's a little more settled, but still busy nonetheless.

I wanted to share some more snow pics (tomorrow's going to be 80 degrees, so I want to relive the Christmas weather). When we went out that morning, Payton cried because it was cold and wet. LoL. She was truly miserable. (I guess there's a reason we don't live up north.) Anyway, school wasn't cancelled but we let Cam play for a few hours and then sent him. (I figured the snow would be all melted in a few hours and they'll be home together for the next 2 weeks...) After he left, Payton and I went in the backyard, at that point it wasn't actually snowing anymore, so she really enjoyed herself. She was making snowballs and throwing them at the fence. I'm hoping for some scrap days after the holidays. I seriously cannot wait to scrap snow pics!!

Anyway, in the end, she decided that she does indeed like the snow. And Cameron wants it to snow on a weekend next time so that everyone's off. And I totally agree... ;)


Deanna G. said...

aC! oh my, i love the snow pics.... she's SO very adorable in her winter outfit! nice one, mommy!

Shainanakins said...

Awesome Pics!!!:o) She is so cute! ya Gotta love this weather, i'm just hoping for nice weather on Christmas, at least the 50's would be nice..lol!

Ali said...

1st picture is my new desktop background! We miss you guys...see u all Saturday!

On to Jr. High!