I wasn't thrilled with the outcome, but it's grown on me a little. In case you cannot read the journaling it says "Almost 30! In a couple of months! Yikes! How can that be? I just turned 21 right? Yeah-8 years ago. But I couldn't be happier now. I am a stay at home mommy to 2 beautiful kiddies and a wife to 1 amazing man. At 21 I might not have pictured life exactly like this, but this is good-really good! So bring it on 3-0, I'm ready for ya! After all, age is just a number-right?"
Yes folks, in a few short months December 3, I will be 30. It's crazy, I remember when 30 seemed so old! Now it's just a few months away!
Not much has been going on here in our little world. With this unbelievable heat, we don't get out much during the day. We finally go out at about 7 in the evening when the heat has subsided some. Last night Payton was naming some of the neighbors that she wanted to come over and play. She says "Reese, Katharine & whobody else?" She couldn't remember the little boy Seth's name so she called him whobody else. Pretty funny.
Well Cameron has gotten his uniforms, oh my goodness! We did a trial run, dressed him in one of his uniforms and put his backpack on. Serious emotions there. I was tearing up already. I am pretty sure that there will be tears on the first day. I have been pretty emotional ever since I saw him in that uniform. It's like I have been home with him for the first 4 almost 5 years of his life and now this is it. Once school starts, that's pretty much it until he graduates and goes to college. Eric already has him at Duke on a basketball scholarship, LoL. But I would be happy with him at ULL. Not very prestigious I know. Maybe I could settle for LSU, that is just an hour away. Ok, I know he is just starting kindergarten, but I know that the next 12 years will go by in the blink of an eye.
Hope you all have a great rest of the week and weekend. We are leaving for Texas Friday morning, so I won't be able to blog again until Monday. And just want to say thanks to all the faithful readers of this blogitty blog. It has become something of a habit. I really enjoy sharing random bits of our lives with you all! Again, have a great weekend! See ya Monday!
oooooooh. love that layout amber. i so wanted to enter that comp but i guessed missing two out of the four challenges would mean i got thrown off fairly quickly :)
LOL about seeing you boy in college already. You are too funny:) have a great day
Ambrosia has a good chance of winnning that contest!
About Cameron growing up so quick:
On his first day of school while you are waiting for the bus to pick him up don't forget to lick your hand and paste down his hair. When he is 8 years old and sets fire to the living room rug...go easy on him! When he gets a girlfriend you can go along on his dates(it is a mother's duty).
About TX visit:
Don't forget to bring you guys swim suits and be careful on I-635 and I-75. Also, Dairy Queens all the way here! Don't stop at any Taco Bells on the way here, if so you may never want Taco Bell again.
See you guys in a couple of days.
awesome layout for that challenge, Amber!! LOVIN' the green. and your writing on the picture is perfect. so cool!! good luck on the challenge & have a great trip =)
Cute layout! To all your viewers, you can click on the picture and it will enlarge it. I just discovered that not too long ago an accident.
Crazy how fast our kiddies are growing. Drew is one today already. :(
When we were in BAton Rouge yesterday I asked Steve if he was fine with the girls going of to college. He said they can go wherever they want. I said okay we will just move to wherever they go. hee hee.....
LOVE that page, Amber!!! You did such a great job and I wish you luck on the contest.. you are gunna do great!!
Awe.. a little uniform!? I bet that was SO cute!!
Have a great weekend away!!
just check the dares blog, amber and saw that you made it through to next round...WOOHOO. CONGRATS. :)
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