I went to a store called the Scrap Bucket. Very cool. They have buckets all over the store with stuff in them. From KI icicles to Heidi Swapp ghost shapes and buttons. This way instead of buying a whole pack, you can buy however many you need. Loved that! Very cool store. I also bought another book to ponder over.

Another great book! Hopefully now the inspiration will come pouring in. Just in case you may be wondering, I did make it to the second round of the Last Scrapper Standing contest. Our next challenge is to use 13 photos on one layout. AAACK! I am quite accustomed to using only 1, so that challenge is really going to test me (which is indeed the point). And since I scrap in 8 1/2 X 11, it's really going to be interesting. Have a few ideas floating around, I just hope it comes out like I have in mind. Will post the final product once it is completed. The kiddos are going spend a couple of days at my mother in law's house, so that should give me some good thinking and creating time.
The kids enjoyed the pool at Jenny & Ali's. Their apartment overlooks the pool. Cameron was jumping in and going under which is huge progress from the beginning of the summer. They also had a tennis court near the pool. Since Eric and I brought only flipflops, we played tennis barefoot. And in case you were wondering, tennis is not meant to be played barefoot. I got blisters under each foot from running on the court. Genius, I know. We really looked like country folks I'm sure. LoL. He and I hadn't played tennis in quite awhile so it was fun. We are going to have to go to the park near our house and play more often. The playground is right near the courts so the kids can play while we play tennis.
I just really liked the area, and the real estate is sooo cheap! No we are not planning on moving there. Eric says he wants to if we can live on a golf course and I could get a job teaching. He would be a stay at home dad who golfed all the time. Yeah-That's gonna happen!
When Payton woke up on Sunday morning she looked around and asked "Where are here?" In other words, where am I? LoL. She had forgotten where we were. She and Cameron had fun. He is already asking me when we can go back.
Hope that you all had great weekends as well. Have a great day Monday! Ugh!
For the layout can you maybe just do that on in 12 by 12 for just the contest? You could also do like a mosaic layout. Call if you have no clue what I am talking about. LOL
Sounds like a fun weekend!
aww yeah, congrats on making it to the next round of the LSS! very cool. omgosh, 13 pictures?! i can't wait to see what you come up with. your weekend sounds fun, cracking up at picturing the barefoot tennis!!
Oh my gosh.. the scrap bucket idea is the coolest thing ever!!! Wow.. someone was creative!
And WHOO-HOO about round two of LSS!!! Your page today ROCKED!!! Loevd all the pics you got on there. You have my vote, Amber!!!
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