And after riding go carts in the rain 3 times in a row, they played the water balloon war. Now I'm sure they thought there was a point to playing the water balloon war in the rain, but we sure couldn't see it.
Luckily though, there are so many things to do inside that the whole day wasn't a bust. There are tons of games, a ball pit, fun jump and all that kind of stuff inside. And on a good note, the cake looked awesome. Here is the proud bday boy with his Herbie cake.
And another shot of the cake.

On Sunday we went to a bowling party for a friend. I couldn't resist this pic

what a shame about the rain, although looks like they all enjoyed it anyway. Great cake too. have a great day :)
That was the most fun I have ever had on a go-cart!
I'm glad the rain didn't deter them from having a good time. Whoo-hoo for b-day parties!!!
those pictures are so cute!!! love those little bowling shoes. adorable. the cake looks like it was awesome, love the car. and it sounds like fun even if there was rain involved.
oh.. a little rain for a boys bday party outside.. just makes for that much better of a bday part!!!
(even the big boy had more fun huh?)
i LOVE that action shot of your hubbie. and that cake.. wowzers.. your friend did an amazing job.
glad everybody had a good time =)
OMGosh, those pics are gorgeous Amber! It looked like the boys had a blast, rain and all! And that cake?! Wow.
How cute was she with bowling shoes? I didn't know they made um that small either!! Too too cute :)
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