Thursday, October 19, 2006


I can sleep again. They finally caught the inmate that had escaped and was hiding out in our town. They caught him yesterday morning. So I had 2 nights of sleeping on and off, hearing every little noise and worrying. He was in a new development looking for work! This is very scary for me because we literally have a new development going up next door. The house right next to us is under construction and there are several others going up in there also. Well after the man in charge recognized him, he walked away and got into the backseat of an unlocked car and tried to sleep. He was very disoriented, probably had not eaten or slept in days. It's so very nice to know that he is back in jail now.

How about that LOST? Next week looks CRAZY. What in the world are they gonna do to Sawyer? Strange things are frontin on the island. LoL. Last night was good. I'm glad to see that everyone survived the electromagnetic anamoly (sp?)
How crazy was it that Desmond heard Locke's speech before he actually even gave it? So I guess now he has power to predict the future maybe? Very strange. And he comes out naked, even though everyone else had clothes on. Desmond the naked psychic. LoL. Eric always says, "what in the world are the writer's thinking?" I'm thinking that they are genius. LoL. How else can you explain people who actually think of a show like this? It's taken such a strange turn. Who knew that all of this would take place when you started watching a show about a plane crash on an island?
Hope you all have a great Thursday. It's like Friday around here. Cam is off tomorrow for teacher inservice, so Eric decided to take the day off too. The weather is supposed to be nice. Key word here is supposed. It's been so dreary and rainy and windy and humid, it's hard to believe we will actually have nice weather tomorrow. We shall see.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, Desmond the naked psychic. Amber. So Hillarious! Yeah, I tripped out last night too. Fake Henry as TSA dude? Not so much.

My book is enroute in like two zip loc bags because it's been pouring here, and from reading your bloggity, it's been raining there too off and on. Heh.

Can't wait til next week's Lost. Dunnnnnnnnnnnnng. (that was supposed to be that noise it makes) when they break for commercial.

darcy said...

LOST is STRANGE this season!! Dude, John had so many different kinds of things happen to him before the plane crash. And did he shoot the cop? Did your TV go silent like right when he may have shot? AH.. the suspense!

And did you notice all the new people on the island at the end? They've killed too many people off!! Looks like they had to create some new characters.

Hope today is nice for you with your boys being off school/work. =)

Jill H said...

glad to hear the authorities caught the guy on the loose! Lost IS crazy. CRAZY. Gary thinks Desmond is from the future?? naked like Terminator, that's his idea anyways!! who knows with this show. John's hallucination was cool. i jumped a mile when Boone grabbed him in the tent. i wonder if Eko will live. and new characters!!! have a good weekend =)

Anonymous said...

its so good to hear that crazy man was caught....eeks
how scary!

hope you all continue to be safe.

Michelle r.

Brandy Schaaf said...

Steve said they caught him fairly close to your house. He used to work for them in berwick. YIKES!

On to Jr. High!