Anyhoo, we are almost completely better from all the nasty sickness that we had. Almost 2 weeks of sinus/coughing/fever sickness around here. But it's just about over. The kids still cough from time to time, but for the most part, we're all better.
Cameron has been back in school for 3 days, and he is having a very hard time getting up in the mornings. Like crying, throwing himself around, "I'm tired!!!" kind of hard. So everynight he's getting into bed a little earlier. He's had the hardest time getting back into the swing of things. And he's not the only one.
The kids yesterday fought like cats and dogs. From the time Cameron got home, they were going at it. For every little thing. So finally I'd had enough. After a whole lot of fussing, they got on their knees. (I hated that when I was younger so I thought I'd give it a shot). Then I decided to let them go have another chance. So back into the playroom they go. I told them not to talk to each other, look at each other, to find 2 different things to play with and stay away from the other one. Well they lasted approximately 2 minutes and 10 seconds before they were fighting again. So back on their knees they came. Then after that I had them sit in each of the recliners facing each other and put on "World News Tonight". They sat that way for an hour and 20 minutes. And no one spoke except to say "this is soooo boring". Well I guess mission accomplished because there was no fighting for the rest of the night. So I'm thinking watching "world news tonight"= pretty good punishment. LoL.

I actually had time to scrap a page or two this week. Not for lack of painting, because I had a ton of that to do. It's just that when I pulled out all of my scrap stuff to do Heidi's CJ, I couldn't resist doing a page or two before I saved it all up.
Yeah, as you can tell, not much going on in these parts, as this is the randomest post ever! Is randomest even a word? Have a wonderful weekend, everyone. Eric told the kids this morning that sleeping until 10 tomorrow is mandatory. I have a feeling since we don't have to wake up, the kids will be up by 6.
Cute Layout!
you can count on the kids being up early.
i'm NOT looking forward to the alarm come
happy to hear everyone is on the mend.
i hope your kids are sleeping in for ya this morning!! gosh, those punishments are some i'll have to try, i never thought of the knees thing! so funny.
great LO, Amber! love the buttons, the colors, and that CUTE picture :) have a good weekend!!
thank goodness I don't have kids yet. but I actually do the getting up by 7:30am thing on my kids aren't necessary for that in my world...
I think I might be scrapping a bit this weekend too. that is after the wedding stuff I plan to accomplish is completed first. somehow I found myself in a MINI challenge...
Hahahaa.. I never heard of making them watch the news. That, my friend, is genius bc we never used to like to watch it. Niiiiiiice tip, for sure.
The weather is wonky here too. There's flash flood warnings until mid week. Ick. That'll be the dumps. Oh well.
Love the layout. How cutie :)
This post cracked me up... making them watch the news. Oh man, that's so funny. I think when we were little my mom used to make us watch M*A*S*H. We hated that show!
Awesome LO, too... oh man! I'm always inspired by you!
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