Yeah, I had one of those yesterday. Let me explain. We were at my parent's house. My grandmother, aunt and uncle were in visiting from out of town. Eric came in and asked who the dog across the street that was attacking the duck was for. So naturally we all got up to see. The people across the street from my parent's house have goats & ducks in a field by their house. My mom tells him that the duck belongs to the people who live there. I looked and saw that no one was home and headed out to save the duck. The dog had it by it's neck and it was flapping around trying to escape. I go to the fence, with no shoes, in the muddy mess and start hollering at the dog, who naturally turned to look at me. Then starts growling at me with a mouth full of feathers. Meanwhile, the duck comes running toward me and comes under the fence to meet me. Then he (or she-that part was not determined) crosses the road with me and comes back to my parent's house where he (or she) proceeds to start quacking as though telling me the story. I kept talking back and saying "yeah, tell me about it". LoL. So anyhoo, the duck told me all about the adventure, then proceeded to hide under my sister's car. When the dog finally gave up and went back to the barn, the duck crossed the street (but not before looking both ways and went back home). And Cameron noticed that he looked both ways and even pointed it out "that duck knows the right way to cross the street". So apparently, the duck is also a good roll model. Sadly though, as we were driving away, the dog was after the duck again. Eric thinks that the dog is just playing. I have a feeling that the duck doesn't see it the same way.
So how's that for random? LoL. That was Sunday, and sadly I didn't have a camera to document the event because it was pretty funny, well not so much for the duck.
We decided that we're heading out to the big D this weekend. Dallas that is, well Plano to be exact to visit with my sis and bro in law. Can't wait for a little getaway. Unfortunately Payton will be heading to the doctor today. She seemed to be getting better and her cough came back with a vengance this weekend. And nothing is helping it. She cannot stop coughing. So much for being all better, huh?

Here's another layout that I did last week. It really isn't crooked in real life, it just scanned that way. Hope you all have a good day!
We look forward to you guys visiting!
Amber: a word of advice:
If you keep talking to ducks you are going to end up in the:
Quack Quack House!!!
Hahahahahahaha...laughing at my own joke!
funny story!
that is a cutie layout.
is payton a daddy's girl?
What time did you go to the ped? We were ther at 9 am. :)
Any word on the clsses yet?
Love that story... I was quacking up! BAH HA HA HA HA!!
No really I was... and I love that LO! You rule.
the poor duck! what a funny story!! hope Payton gets better soon :)
quack quakity quack...thats too funny about the duck and the dog.
love your layering on the layout
so slick!
Love your duck story!!! poor thing...
And your page is MAGNIFICENT!!!
The male goat normally intervenes on behalf of the duck but I guess he had gone somewhere.
Muwahahhahahaha. What a cute story. I can picture it all going down too. Niiiiiiiice. What a smart duck too, eh? Looking both ways. What's the duck's name?
Cooler beans on the layout. I just tilted my head and it worked out just fine!
Happy Hump Day!
what a fabulous story, amber! i hope the duck is ok!
thank you so much for the wonderful postcard! what a sweet surprise! you totally made my day!
hope your daughter feels better soon! love your lo too!
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