Monday, May 07, 2007

And the Winner Is...

Jill! So Jill email me your new address when you get a chance. I'll get that RAK out to ya, hopefully soon!

Thanks for all of the blog birthday wishes. I have really grown to love this thing. I have met so many amazing women, that I've never actually met in person, but feel like I know them from reading their blogs. It's been fun!

Hope that everyone had a great weekend and that you all have a great week as well! :)


Jill H said...

oh my goodness!!! Payton is my new best friend ;) yay!!

michelle raMirez said...

happy birthday to your dear blog!
i agree that its so cool to "meet" new girly friends on here.
fun fun

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Jill!


(I still can't post under my name.. so weird!)

Heidi Joe said...

YAY! That rocks for Jill to get the b;day prezzie from your blog... woot!

Deanna G. said...

oh my gosh, how cute! yay for jill!

On to Jr. High!