So there are no pics of our bedroom like I promised last week. We did get to finish everything we wanted, but I'm in need of a few more things to make it look fuller. And I'm painting a huge 4 canvas spread for our big empty wall, so I decided to wait to post pics until I'm completely finished. Next, we paint the dining room. Ugh. I'm not a huge fan of painting walls. Letters and canvases are good, but no walls.
The kids had a lemonade stand on Saturday. I had some cute little pics, but blogger says no thank you. They each made $6.00. Everyone that came tipped them generously, so that was nice. They were very excited. Happy times.
And happy week to ya!
your WP picture is super cute! no matter that it was from last time...I wanna scrap a page too. i think i'm gonna have to print out your pic, D's pic and mine from the phone call. I wonder if the other girls did it too...
i loved hearing your voice. I'm sure to you, the rest of us are the ones with the accent. but hopefully we can hear Cam and Payt's voices too one of these days...
LOVE that picture of you, Amber!!!
Oh... such a good idea... let's all take pics and then scrap all 7! YAYYYY!!
Um, and yeah, that pic of you? Totally gorgeous! Love it. =)
hotter! love that pic. supahh fly. so basically, i was so nervous too, but after hearing your voice, it just seemed like we've known eachother forevah, heh. i love that southern twang. it's practically the coolest one to have.
helloww? hellawwww?
oh yeah. i'm still here. bwahaha. you crack me up. haaaaaaaaa. sigh. love my girlahs. and i so love the idea of scrappin ALL our pics, pshh. niiiiiiice.
PS - you're so amazingly talented to be a painter. and hellowww?! *love* the lemonade stand. i've always wanted to as a kid, but our neighbors in our old 'hood were mean. so no deal. haha.
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