Monday, August 06, 2007

Shout Out...

to my fly girls. lol. Or girlahs as they are affectionately called. We had a 5 way call last night. So stinking cool. We missed the D and the J. Hopefully next time it will be a 7 way call. Ohmyword. It really wasn't as chaotic as one might think. Eric's like 5 ladies on one line? Yep. And we took turns talking and it was so very cool. Cannot wait to talk again. And really cannot wait to meet all or some in person. Love these girls.

Had Cameron's orientation this morning. His teacher is really nice. And it turns out that I graduated (& was good friends) with her sis in law in education back in 2001. So I know some of her family. We forgot (or didn't know to bring) his school supplies, so I ran home for them. That's when living literally 2 minutes from school comes in handy. It's gonna be a lot more work for him than Kindergarten. I can tell just by looking at the books in the desks. Math workbooks and social living textbooks. He's really excited though. Only students with the last name starting with A-M went this morning and apparently he's the only boy whose last name is from A-M. "I'm the only boy in this class?" he kept asking. I assured him there would be more boys on the first day. We saw several from his class last year, but none of them are in his class this year.

He had a lot of fun on his weekend away. I don't think he was ready to come home yet. I think he would have stayed all week if he could've. Payton had us all to herself all weekend. She even got to sleep in our room on the floor. She was very excited about that.

LoL. I'm just getting back, the kids came running in telling me that there was a wasp in the playroom, so I just spent the last 5 minutes chasing it around the house with a broom. Now that would have made for a good layout. LoL.


Deanna G. said...

aC!!!!!!! i'm bummed i couldn't make it but we were swamped yesterday. i'm so glad yall had fun though :D super stoked!!!

and yay for cam and starting school again! summer went by too quick, eh.

Heidi Joe said...

It's funny because now I canhear your voice when I read ya. Ha!

Okay, and you mean to tell me there were no other A-Ms in his class? No Jones, Johnson, Carmicheal, MONTGOMERY?? Whoa. So weird. I don't know why that's just so strange to me.

Anyway... hope you have a fun rest of the day! Summer is winding down, I can feel it.

Alex Hardy said...

i love putting a voice to your words aC!
(luv that d called you that!)

2 minutes from school...NICE.
little mike's preschool is like one minute away.
eric & jake is about 15 minutes.
i'm gonna be a driving fool in less than 7 days!

Jamie Ko said...

okay I'm jealous too that I didn't get to hear your Southern drawl. ARadd said to hear your accent was the coolest thing. I look at your picture icon all the time and would've never thought to pair a Southern accent with your face. but I bet I could listen to it all day.

Anonymous said... school already, Isaac doesnt start till september 17th!! still got a little time yet!!

On to Jr. High!