*Almost a week with no new posts. Time is flying. Every night I lay in bed and wonder where the day went. Seriously. In this case where the week went. Here it is almost Wednesday again.
*Cameron's pirate party is this Saturday. And apparently there may be a tropical storm/depression/hurricane in the gulf by then. And maybe heading this way. Poor Cam. Seriously, will the guy ever get a break with the birthday parties? Hurricanes, stormy weather @ go cart place, salmonella poisoning. Every year an adventure. We are praying for good weather and a good turn out.
*Today I was on my way to meet Eric at work and at a stop sign there was a man (who looked homeless) holding up a sign that read "Why lie? I need a beer." Seriously. My camera was sitting on the seat next to me and I soooo wanted to get a pic. But didn't have time. :(
*I bought a pair of these yesterday. They are so cute and so very comfortable.
*Bought 2 new pairs of jeans too.
*Have a fabulous mid-week. :)
Girl, I've been scoping out the Vera Wang shoes like a mad woman. The gold little ballet flat/ mary janes are on my list. I got two pairs of jeans, too...one at Old Navy and one from the Sarah Jessica Parker section of Steve N Barry's. WOOT. we are shopping soul-sistahs this week, eh?
sorry Amber, i've been a bad blog reader lately :( i thought i'd have more time when school started, sadly i just found more things to take up my time!! hope Cam's party went well this past weekend :) and OMG, the pics of Payton in her dance clothes are THE cutest!!!
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