The rest of the weekend was spent hauling out stuff from the attic and pricing items for the upcoming garage sale. Fun stuff folks.
As an update to a previous post, the neighbors have added a 10 foot grim reaper and graves to the front yard and smeared (what one can only hope is) fake blood all over their garage. Because seriously, the psycho clown and freakish masked man just weren't enough.
And I'm maybe just a little bitty teeny bit jealous of this (that would be the October 27th post, just in case she updates) ;) LoL. Sounds like an awesome time you three had! Seriously. Cannot wait until it's all 7.
Happy Monday. :)
great pics, looks like a fun time =)
i can't believe your neighbors added MORE! ack, i'm sorry for you guys!!!
Oh. Mah. Gah. I can't believe they added more heinousness to their house. I mean, blood? Forreal? GAH, that's so scary. Too bad you couldn't make a citizen's arrest or something.
Love the nature-y pics, too! Fun fun fun... glad you had a great weekend!
i still can't get over your neighbors! how crazy is that?! your pics look so nice! i hope one day we can make it all 7 too :)
great pics amber. been checking in. wow..your neighbours..yikes...
your kids look so adorable in those pics and so alike btw :)
yes, we must make it all 7 Girlahs one of these days...
happy halloween Amber!
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