Friday, January 18, 2008

Hey, Hey, Hey, It's FRIDAY!!

I'm a little excited about that. Can ya tell?

No real reason, just ready for the weekend. There's a miniscule (is that a word?) possibility of snow in the morning. Tiny, microscopic, but a chance none the less. And we like snow chances. ;)

I know, I know, 2 nights of American Idol and no picks? What can I say? So without further ado, my pics:

For Philadelphia:

"Let my people gooooooo." Hilarious.

And for Dallas:

This guy cracked us up. I mean seriously? He acted like he knew about singing and warming up voices and what not. Too funny!

So I know I'm also slacking in the layout posting. My computer was acting crazy and I haven't been in the mood to fight with it. But, the pics are coming, I promise.

Happy happy weekend to you!


Alex Hardy said...

& a Happy Weekend to you too Amber!
It's pretty cold in our parts too ... don't like it one bit.
American Idol is seriously *addicting*.
Chris & I were loving the Star Wars chick.

(tapping my fingers on my desk)
waiting ever so patiently for your scrappies.

Ali said...

Great that you guys may get some snow! We had a little on Wednesday and Today it is snowing right is melting as it hits the ground...but supposed to be snowing here all weekend!
Hope you guys have a great weekend...
BTW: Fit is go for 14-21!

Deanna G. said...

the 'let my people goohhhh' almost had our 'helohhhhhhh' ring to it ;)

yay for friday! woo hoo :)

michelle.g said...

aww..i forgot about AI. have a great weekend, hopefully with snow!

Heidi Joe said...

My favorite was Princess Leea... she was so mad she just ripped those fake buns off and tossed them onto her poor grandpa.

"I'm a dork and they don't like me!!" Uh... what made you say THAT?

It kills me. Kills me, it's so funny!

Jill H said...

hope you had a good weekend and that you guys saw some snow!! i felt a little bit bad laughing at the let my people go guy, he was singing a Christian song after all...but man he was hilarious.

darcy said...

did you see any snow??? We wanna see pics!!!

On to Jr. High!