Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I Have A Blog????

I kinda forgot for a second. So crazy right now. I've been having this whole coughing deal since the party. Feel like I'm coughing up an actual lung most of the time. No other symptoms though just a cough.

So something to NOT do when you are going in for eye surgery in a few days. DON'T go reading other people's blogs. Although I found some good ones that were very reassuring, for one, I was feeling faint and had to walk away. I opted not to watch the procedure on youtube. But apparently, you can do that as well.

Watching American Idol. My faves are the Australia guy (can't remember his name) and the Jason Castro guy (which coincidentally is also Eric's brother's name). But I'm loving the whole dreds and guitar thing. Although they told him to not use the guitar next week.

All day field trip tomorrow with Cameron's class. We are going see the Wizard of Oz. I'm assuming it's going to be high school kids putting it on not sure though. And a picnic in the park. It's kinda chilly right now, so hopefully it warms up a little.

That's about all for now. I'll try to update before going under the laser. Apparently I won't be reading a computer screen for a little while. I'll have Eric read me everyone's blogs. LoL. And maybe he can type mine. Lol. Happy Wednesday!
Amber :)

1 comment:

Deanna G. said...

I like the Australia guy too! Maybe it's bc we want to go there, lol.

Have fun on the field trip, and hallow? hellohhhhh? Good luckahs on the eye stuff! Yay. So excited for you! Can you request from your Dr. a patch? Then you could be Patchy, like lost :) hehehehehe.


On to Jr. High!