Easter is always a busy day. We went to church first thing and then to Eric's mom & dad's house, and from there, my parent's house. The kids had fun and were completely exhausted by the day's end.

We had the traditional egg hunt at Eric's parent's house. It's changed so much in the past few years, the "kids" that I met when I first started dating Eric, are now teenagers who have absolutely no interest in hunting eggs. Even though they aren't my kids, it still kind of makes me sad to see how fast they are all growing up. I didn't get any shots of Cam hunting for eggs, because he was with the older group this year, and as the youngest of the older group, he needed help. So I was hunting with him. Lol.
The eyes are still pretty good. I went to a store yesterday to buy cooking oil and couldn't read the price on the shelf though, because the shelf was so low, I couldn't get close enough to read it. That really frustrated me. I'm still a little bit concerned with my right eye, which doesn't seem to be making any progress with the ghosting/double vision when I'm reading. I just hope that it's all normal.
Also, I wanted to wish a happy belated birthday to Heidi. Hope your day was fabulous! Happy Tuesday! :)
they look so cute coloring their eggs! payt looks so focused! hee.
time flies so quickly, eh? all of the G's "little" cousins are so BIG now! we're going to their h.s. graduations and i'm like, helloh??! is that you??! haha.
looks like yall had a fantastic easter! hope the eyes get better too! xoxo.
glad you Can see better nOw. i hope it continues to get MorE better.it looks like you guys had a Very great easter. we barely recognIze the kidS they are growIng so fasT. it seems like it has been a while since we seen yoU guyS! hope you guys have a great spring.
Hey sweetness... thanks so much for the b'day love. You're the best. =)
Hope your eyes are on the up and up soon... you have four weeks until Lost comes back on! Bahahaha!
Love ya, lady. =)
i hope your right eye kicks it into gear and gets better soon :)
and dang, i want some of that warmer weather!! we still have SNOW on the ground outside, grrrr!
take care :)
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