2. Watched design star last night. I'm pulling for this guy

because he's from Lafayette and we went to the same college. But sadly, he wasn't shown too much in the previews, so I'm not optomistic.
3. Went to the scrapbook store today and bought some goodies. As soon as we get back from vacay, lots of scrapping will be going on. I'm putting painting on hold for a bit to catch up on scrapping. I bought the kiddos each some goodies from Hobby Lobby so that they can scrap with me.
4. Payton starts her summer dancing session tomorrow. She's beyond excited. What can I say? The girl loves dancing. And I love seeing her dance.
5. We bought one of those metal framed above ground pools for the kiddos. It's so stinking hot, it's been wonderful to have that to jump in!
6. E and I had a wonderful anniversary date night. Ate at our favorite restaurant and just enjoyed the long quiet meal. Thought about renting a movie, but who are we kidding? There was no was we would make it through one without falling asleep.
7. Borrowed this movie from my little sister. I'm a little late in watching it but we don't watch many movies. See #6.
Very excited to watch it. Hopefully Tuesday.
8. I'm using a gift card to this place on Wednesday. Got it for Christmas from E, and I think it's about time I put it to good use.
9. Today was my 3 month post op appointment. I'm seeing 20/20!! And the doctor released me and said I can stop using all of my drops (hallelujah!) I've been using drops several times a day since the surgery, so I'm so happy to be finished. Oh and he told me I could swim. Just in time for vacay! ;)
yahoo! things sound great and are kick starting off a fantastic sounding summer!
i haven't seen juno yet either (gasp!) ha. i heard it's good. i need to update my netflix!
have fun at the spa, woo hoo!
xo, hellowww?! hehe. never gets old, eh!
yay for 20/20!!! lol! i know you must be beside yourself:)
wishing u all a fabulous vacation time:o)
ooh and have a fun spa day;)
*seeing 20/20
*spa day
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