What a fabulous vacation it was. Wonderful weather, water, food and family.

The kids had a ball. Payton seriously cannot get enough of the water. She would come out for 2 minutes and was asking to go back in. It was nice to have other adults that she could go out with. Made it a little easier. She actually tried her hand at boogie boarding this year. Cameron enjoyed diving and boogie boarding as well. They found several hermit crabs while diving. 2 hermit crabs came home with us and our now living out on the patio. Fun, fun.
So one day, we are in the water, and I see this guy. I'm like asking all my sisters, "do ya'll watch the bachelorette?"
None of them do, but after some internet research, we determined that it was indeed Sean from the bachelorette. His family had umbrellas a few down from us on the beach.
We pretty much all got stung by jellyfish. The last day, they were out in full force. Eric got stung 5 times trying to swim out to a sandbar, so he came back real quick. Jenny and Ali are pretty sure that they saw a shark out by the sandbar. It was pretty far out though. We also saw a sea turtle one night while walking on the beach. Lots of sea life for sure. One night when we were walking, we also found a wreath with a bottle with a note inside. Unfortunately, the sender forgot to cap the bottle, so the note was pretty much disintegrated, but it was a fun find, nonetheless.
One night Payton, Cameron and Eric all sang karoeke. Much to my dismay, my camera battery was dead and we didn't bring the video camera. The kids sang "Jesus, Take the Wheel" together. It was the cutest thing ever. I cried, because, well, that's what I do. I will never forget it though, even though I don't have the video. Cameron sang really loud and you couldn't really hear Payton, but she was definitely singing. Eric sang an old George Jones song. I still to this day cannot believe he got up there and did that. My sister got some of it on her phone, so I will try to post some of it soon. I was dying. My husband doesn't sing. Period. But I think having everyone there and in front of a bunch of people he'd never see again, he felt like he could. Although a large amount of people there were indeed from Louisiana, so who knows? ;)
But now we're back. And life is back to normal. I'll leave you with some more vacay pics. Have a happy Thursday!
such a GORGEOUS family you have there!
y'all take *the best* beach pics!
so very happy you are back.
missed ya!
Thanks for the comment:o) You guys look like y'all had an awesome time! I LOVE THE PICS! Ecspecially the funny faced ones hilarious! and too cute! And yes can't wait to chat tomorrow and eat those yummy crabs..mmmm..delish! hahaha!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE and adore the family pics! It looks straight postcard! Seriously.
Looks like yall had so much fun! So stoked on that!
xo... ps.. we TOTALLY need to Hellohhhh? Helawwwww? soon. Reconnect. xo!
You have a beautiful family, cherish every moment
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