Monday, October 27, 2008
I Love Fall...

Monday, October 20, 2008
Weekend Fun...
My favorite part by far, was sitting out at night watching the campfire and roasting marshmellows. The kids loved it too. Although Payton was exhausted and didn't last very long either night. Eating outside was pretty fun too. Thankfully, it was cool enough to keep the flies and most of the mosquitos away.
We tried our hand at fishing. You should see Payton cast, she's quite the little fishergirl. Cam gets bored with it pretty quick. The entire weekend, Eric is the only person that caught a fish. One fish. No one else caught anything (other campers included). It's a really big lake, and our hunch is that the fish stay in the middle where it's deep.
On Saturday, we fished, played puttputt and rented paddle boats (which is a LOT of work to paddle). There is a playground for the kids that was right across from the cabin, that they played at alot. Oh and a swimming pool, that was open. And lots of kids were swimming. I can only imagine how cold that water must have been. Cam and Pay wanted to swim, but I didn't need 2 sick kids this week. The kids rode their bikes. Eric and I are going to look into getting a rack to bring ours next time. We would have loved to be able to ride with the kids, but there wasn't room for them this time.
Anyhoo, lots of pictures to share. We really enjoyed it and are hoping to get one more trip in before Eric's busy Christmas season starts. Apparently, we are going to be a camping family. :)
Friday, October 17, 2008
Today's Funny...
Monday, October 13, 2008
Glorious Weekend...
Saturday, we picked the kids up and headed out to the zoo with Lance, Pam and their 2 kiddos. The kids had lots of fun. And lo and behold, I remembered my camera. ;)
The biggest monkey in the zoo. My husband, ladies and gents.
The gators. They were all tired and resting. Would have loved to see them swimming around. Oh well.
The giraffe, who, apparently prefers to eat the fence than the food they feed him.
The beautiful white tiger. He's a ham, he was always looking at whoever was taking the picture. Lol.
Sunday was very low key and included church, shopping, lunch, napping, oh and guess who learned to ride without training wheels?
She hasn't quite got the hang of the turns, but she's almost a pro on the straights. And she decided that she needs a new bigger bike, so that's on the Christmas list. We were all very proud, especially Cam. :)
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Bad Blogger....
We celebrated Cameron's 7th birthday party. We had a really good turnout. More boys than I've ever had at the house at once. Very rambunctious boys. I was thankful for an outside party. LoL.
We had the ever popular pinata pitch. Every year once it breaks off of the string, Eric proceeds to pitch the pinata to the kids. We do things a little dangerously here. LoL. You don't even wanna know how Cam and his cousin popped the leftover balloons. ;)
Payton being flung down the waterslide.
Payton had silly sock and shoe day at school.And had some really cute monkey pigtails.
Mommy's been painting alot.
Our good friends Brandy and Steve welcomed an ADORABLE baby girl to their family a few weeks early. Congrats!
Phew! It's all enough to exhaust even Cameron. (who fell asleep like this watching tv, yesterday.)
Happy almost Friday!! :)
I know that my family and some very close friends read this blog. I also know that people that don't know me so well read this blog. So,...
promise. But still very excited about Lost nonetheless. And we started watching the Nine, not sure if that will be a good one or not, but ...