Okay, so our trees are still green here, but the weather is fabulous. So pretty and clear and cool. Love that.
Not much to report on this chilly Monday. This weekend was a little more lowkey than the last two. Friday night we went to Eric's mom and dad's house, where she had cooked crab stew, shrimp stew, fried shrimp, fried fish. A feast. The whole family was there, which is chaos in itself, but fun chaos.
Cameron had a dentist appointment this morning. He had to get 3 of his permanent teeth sealed and one with a little defect filled. Eric took him this go round. Some of you that have been reading my blog for awhile might remember this post. Let's just say that it was pretty much the same this time. They wanted to pull 4 of his teeth as well because he's sooooo crowded. But we decided against that as one has already fallen and another is loose. We'll just let it run it's course and keep the money in our pocket. Lol. But needless to say, I'm very happy that Daddy was able to take him and experience it this time. Just in case he thought I exaggerated a little. ;) Eric told me that once they gave him what I call the silly medicine, he was watching Diego and just started cracking up laughing. Eric asked him what was so funny and he just kept saying over and over "I thought that the llamas were singing." Yes, apparently the medicine makes 7 year old boys laugh at Diego.
Well that's all for now. Happy Monday!!
Haha! I went to the dentist to get a filling fixed last friday and the novocaine wasn't working fast enough so they asked me if I wanted the gas! (I had never had it) but I declined because I was afraid I would say something I would regret.
your fall picture tricked me! I did a double take thinking I was on the wrong blog, lol. then I thought you guys took a fall vacation to somewhere with bright colors!
ugh, I'm not even looking forward to Xave's future dentist bill...we have issues that'll need to be fixed too :( glad Cameron made it through OK!
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