**Eric and Cameron and the rest of the BYYA Hornets are 0-1. Their first game didn't go so well, we are hoping for a turnaround this Saturday as they have a double header. It's frustrating when there are several kids who only show up for the games and have no clue what's going on. They miss all of the plays that they teach in practice and are lost out on the court when it's gametime . :(
**As far as the post last month when I said that I was settling into 32 nicely, I didn't take into account the 4 grey hairs that I would find in the weeks following. So maybe 32 isn't so nice after all. :P
**The diet resumes today. We took a break for the holidays and basically made pigs of ourselves. I seriously don't know if I've ever eaten that much food in all of my life. I'm sure when I step on the Wii fit today, I'll be getting a lecture. LoL. And my Mii's belly is gonna expand something fierce.
**Heading out to Target for a few things. And because I haven't been since before Christmas. I went so many times before Christmas that I couldn't stand the site of the place for awhile and took a little break. They have some spring things in for Payton that I love. Paris themed shirts with plaid bermuda shorts and cropped polkadot sweaters to match. Oh my. A woman could go crazy, I tell ya.
**Loving this soap lately. From Old Navy. I've been using the green tea. It smells soooo good, it makes me want to take baths at random times during the day. I'm really hoping that it wasn't just a holiday thing. I need to head over there to see if I can stock up on some more.
** Really exciting news can be found here. Yay!!
**Happy getting back to normal after the holidays to you!!
Oh yes indeed so glad school is back in! whew, was it just me or did that seem like 2 months instead of 2 weeks..hhehehe!
Congrats to your sister and her hubby that is wonderful news!!!! And of course to you ~ AUNTIE AMBA!;o)
Wish I could do scratch and sniff on the soap..:oD The pic is so awesome i tried.. lol!
woo hoo for school being back in session!!! mine were starting to bicker back & forth on Sunday all day...thankfully we were really on the go for most of vacation!
congrats on the new addition to your family! yay for babies that you can hold & rock, and then give back ;)
*Use a handheld mirror to check the back...
*PierOne GreenTea soap is nice also...i may hae to try the old navy.
*Thanks for the publicity!
*oh..I have video footage of Cam's game I will email to you guys
*We went to Target on saturday for a whole hour just looking.
*Congrats on having some 'U' Time.
your posts are always so funny... i can hear you saying these things, lol. and i throw in a 'hello' for old times sake ;)
the grey hair thing cracked me up, lol. xo!
try like 31 gray hairs ... OMG.
everyone on my dad's side of the fam has gone completely gray between 35-40.
and apparently, i got that gene.
FREAKOUT for me, k?
a serious CATCH UP of all things Girlah is in order.
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