Monday, April 06, 2009

Mai Cher...Dat's Funny, Yeah

Well what happend isn't funny...But the man explaining it? Ohmyword. A friend of mine had this on her facebook and I had to share it with you all. Especially those of you who aren't from Louisiana. Yes, we actually have people that speak this way...LoL. Happy Monday!


Shainanakins said...

oh my..poor Mr. Guilliot! lol..its not his fault mae he waz raized in da dat we call cajun land sha! ahhhheeee!

Jill H said...

too funny! Gary does a 'cajun dad' speak sometimes and the kids just look at him like he's from another planet. I'll have to show him this for sure to give him some tips, LOL.

p.s. - I am SO jealous of those 70 degree temp's going across the news screen!

Deanna G. said...

omg, dude. that's a sad story, but he sounds like bobby boucher from waterboy, lol gahahahahahahha.

On to Jr. High!