Our church put on an Easter production called "Proof" that was simply amazing. I wasn't just crying...I was downright sobbing.
The madness has begun! We will be at the ballpark tonight, Tuesday night, Wednesday night, Friday night, Saturday afternoon and then next week, we'll do it all over again! But the kids are loving it...as is coach Eric. And Mommy can't complain either. In Cameron's second game, he made a single, 2 doubles, caught a pop fly and turned it into a double play. I was jumping around screaming like a crazy woman. Proud Mommy moment for sure.
I'll leave you with some random pics of our Easter festivities. As I said, it was the windiest day ever, so not many pics from the actual egg hunt. But you get the gist. ;)
Happy brand new week to you!
what's up with our kids getting bigger and better looking? heehee.
it's been ridiculously windy here too.
it's my most UN-favorite element of weather.
my boys start swim team tomorrow ... M-F practices at TWO different time slots. NICE.
looks like you guys had a great Easter! We missed all of you and the crawfish! Great fotos!
Been very windy here too!
See you all in 39 days!
Glad ya'll had a nice Easter..Love all the pics! I must say pay looks adorable in her Tball uniform;o)
aww, looks like a fun Easter! your kids are looking so much older, Amber! beautiful pictures :)
aC! those pics are fantastic, helloh. the kiddos are so lucky to have activity packed schedules full of funn! way to go mom and coach-dad!
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