Jon and Kate plus 8 last night left me sad...and extremely disappointed. Just the fact that the interviews were conducted separately was very telling.
I haven't been a fan of the show since the start. In fact, I just started watching last year, but have since seen every episode. What is so disappointing to me is that last year, they were in Hawaii renewing their vows and declaring that "we want the kids to know that we will be together forever." Seeing little Alexis last night telling her daddy not to leave anymore was heartbreaking. But what really gets me is that Kate continues to say that she is doing what she's doing "for the kids". Give me a break. She's become so into doing this show, that she's letting her family suffer in the process. Don't get me wrong, I feel like there's plenty of blame to go around. If Jon did indeed cheat, well that's just inexcusable, but not hard to believe given how his wife frequently treated and spoke to him like a child.
It's just a very difficult situation, but I cannot lie, I wish they'd be as invested in their marriage as they are in the show. I feel sooooo bad for their kids. The precious children who "are too young to know what's going on". Yeah right.
I thought about the show a lot today. I really should stop watching, in some sort of protest for them to remove the show that has positively run its course. But I will continue watching the train wreck unfold. I hope that at some point they truly do put the "kids first" and take themselves out of the spotlight. And stop hiding behind the "we're doing the show for the kids" lie. I don't think anyone's buying it anymore. Rant over.
aC! I didn't know you watch this show. OMG i started a while ago too, and would watch hours at a time when they had their marathons, etc. anyway. DUDE. Last night's episode was SOOOOOOOOO depressing on like 18 different levels. The Alexis part? Yeah, heartbreaking. How Jon showed up separate. How Kate said it was prolly their last fam photo? :( SO SO sad.
But I agree with everything you said. All of it. They CAME TO MAUI! to renew their vows. And how they couldn't do the interviews together. The parts they were together? Yeah, so so distant. It was almost as if she gave up already and he was just trying to justify his existence. So sad. And idk abt the parts where she was like, Jon needed a break from all this or whatever it was... she made it seem like he was checked out of being a family, but I think it was her personal opinion and in actuality, that he was checked out from her? UGH. It's not like you can just wake up one day and not want to do this whole life and marriage and family thing anymore? What is going on?! Dude, my brother called me today to talk about it. Even he thought it was SO disappointing and sad.
And, I'll prolly watch the trainwreck unfold also. :( So so so sad. OK i just want to hug you and say hello thru the phone :)
hmmm..we have a similar show here in the UK too, altho i think they are based in the States! Same thing, kids, marriage, seemingly happy and then off in their separate limos claiming they are 'doing it for the kids'......
its hard to look away tho isnt it??
hope you are having a good day..is raining here..bleh!!
So sad, so sad:o( I wonder though what all is not being told to us. Just seems like the show has made Kate a totally different person..like it escalated 100 mph. On another note its funny to watch Jon and Kate, and then watch the Duggars..lol! BIG DIFFERENCE!
Wait ... you have a blog? How did I not know you have a blog? Anyway, I agree about Jon & Kate. I think they need to stop doing the show and work on their marriage if they're really in it for "the kids." What the kids need is a mommy and daddy that love each other and stay together. Now, if he cheated, that's a whole other story.
Glad you let me in on your blog, lady.
I totally got sucked into this show over the Memorial weekend, and man. What a doozy.
I think they need to shut the cameras off, and talk to someone they trust like a pastor or marriage counselor. He needs to get over his midlife crisis and she needs to not be so focused on the fame.
Oh, but those kids are precious. I loved the one that said "Hannah pooped in Hannah's unnawares." ADORABLE!
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