*I could not be more excited that this guy won American Idol.
*I cannot believe that tomorrow is the last day of school.
*I have a baby shower at my house in 2 days for which I am making the cake...I think I've seriously lost it...Wish me well.
*Even though our lives have been turned-upside-down-hectic, I'm seriously gonna miss baseball season.
*I'm hoping we can take a summer vacation.
*I am in desparate need of a photo shoot with the kids in their baseball uniforms, and Payton on Sunday in her dancing costume.
*In addition to previously mentioned baby shower, we have Payton's dance recital this weekend.
*I'm kinda bummed that all of Eric and I's fave shows have come to an end.
*I'm loving the spring like temps we've had lately, I know that they won't last long.
*I'm really proud of Cam who made Honor Roll for the year and met all of his Reading goals. As well as the fact that he's hitting an average of 2 doubles a game.
*P and I finally grocery shopped today. To say that we were in desperate need of groceries would be a HUGE understatement.
*Hoping you all have a fabulous holiday weekend!! Happy Memorial Day!!
Yay, I'm so glad he won too. Now we have no shows to watch.
Except Wipeout. That show is hilarious!
ahhhh as soon as i get that one way ticket you can jump in my suit case lol!
can't wait to see that cake ya gonna make, i know it will turn out awesome!;o)(so that means take a pic..lol)
seriously it's summer??!! already hearing i'm bored;oP
i need to rock aC style updates :) omg i've been checked out, lol. i'm still tryna find that balance. and to think, ive been having thoughts of going back to school... EEEEEEEEk. I need to organize thy self first :)
LOVE the list. Way to go Cam on doing so well in school and sports! And Payt for her awesome dancing queen skills :)
I just cohosted a babyshower last weekend too. How was your cake? I bet awesome!
PS - i had no shows cept for Real Housewives of New Jersey, lol. AAAhahahahaha. Everything else ended so abruptly on us :(
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