Tuesday, June 30, 2009

No More Pull-Ups or Boils, Please...

So Mommy has finally gotten to the point where I cannot look at another wet pull-up again, maybe ever. Payton has been potty trained for nearly 3 years, but couldn't get to a point where she would wake up to potty at night. Hence we had many mornings of wet pull-ups. I was to the point where I couldn't stand pull-ups anymore. So we decided that after she used her last one, we weren't buying anymore. The first couple of nights, I had to change the sheets in the middle of the night. The 3rd night, one of us got up at about 2 o'clock am to take her, and she woke up dry. Excited, I told her that when she made 5 dry nights in a row, we'd go to Toys R Us for a treat. So low and behold, we've had 5 nights in a row. Daddy and Mommy brought her to the toy store on Saturday...Her choice? A doll that pees. LoL...Talk about irony. We are now a pull-up free house...And I couldn't be happier.

Cameron has been suffering with a huge boil on the back of his knee for a week now. It got to a point where it was so painful, he was scooting around on the floor, he couldn't even walk. I called the nurse, and she prescribed some medicine that is surely made from pure gold. How else can they charge $140 for a tube?? People who know me well, know that I have a strange fascination for popping weird things. Gross, I know. So even though he was in tremendous pain, I enjoyed squeezing that thing and getting more stuff out of it than one would think was humanly possible. So yesterday was a week, and he is FINALLY back to walking without a limp. This thing was fierce, I tell ya. So not only are we now a pull-up free house, but also a boil-free house...And I really couldn't be happier.


Heidi Joe said...

I'm totally with you on the popping things- thing. It was my favorite part of esthetician school, and it was my favorite part of being an esthetician!

Shainanakins said...

lol..long time no comment, and no updated blog..so sorry:o( LOL HOOORAY for payton, and hooray for no boils!! Happy
4th to you guys!

On to Jr. High!