Thursday, May 04, 2006


Ok, so I know that a lot of you watch LoSt! All I can say is wow! Did any of you see that one coming? Well Eric did, sort of. As soon as Michael woke up and started talking about following one of the "others", Eric said that he thought Michael was on their side now. I was hoping he wasn't right. But as soon as he told Ana-Lucia "sorry", Eric said "He's gonna shoot her." :( I so liked Michael up until this point. It is going to be very interesting these next few weeks! Cannot wait to see what happens! We tried watching Invasion right after, but had to stop it a few times to just sit there and think about what had just happend on Lost. Is it sick to be that way about a tv show? I would say yes! Then all throughout Invasion Eric kept on saying "that Michael, can't believe him!". Pretty funny stuff.
Pretty happy that Elliot was not voted off. Eric and I have grown to really like him. I think it's because he seems to be the one to really need the show to make it. The rest probably will anyway. Thinking he will be gone next week though:(
They are all so good now, not sure who is gonna win.

Ok so as some of you may know Payton is obssessed with the color pink. This morning she opened a lollipop with a pink wrapper and when she saw it was orange, threw it in the garbage can and started crying for a pink one! Then as if that wasn't enough, she has a major meltdown in the middle of the grocery store because Cameron picked blue bubble bath. (It was his turn to pick). So for about 10 minutes Payton cried "pink bubbles". We compromised because they were out of bubbles (that you blow), so she was able to pick a pink one. No, I probably should not have let her have any bubbles after the fit, but sometimes you just gotta do whatever works when grocery shopping! Just the simple fact that I took both of them grocery shopping shows that I was not thinking clearly today!
Anywho, thanks for reading, have a blessed day!


darcy said...

Yeah.. I used to like Michael too. Gosh, why did they have to go and make him bad? He said he was sorry.. but then he shot her with no regret. I heard the Libby's not dead so hopefully she'll tattle on him!! And yeah, we couldn't sleep after either!!!

Hey, pink is IN!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is pretty neat. For not having anything to say, you sure said a lot! Have fun with it. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

I would like to say "I think 'the others', particularly the other with the theatrical beard stuck on with beeswax and the one that held the left torch during 'the don't cross the line and give me your guns' episode, told Michael they would kill Walt if he didn't get their precious 'Henry',whose real name is Paul, back to them. Also, they told him he had to kill two of his own because two of their own were killed.", but I wont say that because you can't hear me from where I am.
Next episode Desmond will be back and will be the one man they were talking about in the previews. Libby is still alive but barely hanging on and when she comes through, which she will because Jack is a great doctor and wont give up and the Island's mysterious healing energies, she will either not remember or have amnesia. Anna Lucia is gone :-( because she was causing too much trouble in real life and was no longer dependable to the show, hence they needed to write her off.
Amber I think I may start a blog with my theories because they are incredible.

On to Jr. High!