Thursday, June 08, 2006

Papa's Got A New Pair of Shoes

For those of you who may not know my dad, he tends to not like shopping so much and when he finds something that he likes, he sticks with it. So when he bought a pair of tennis shoes 15 years ago on a vacation to Florida, he wore them forever. Well almost forever, for 15 years. They had no grips left whatsoever and were not as white as they once had been. Well about 2 weeks ago, he actually went out and bought a brand new pair of shoes. they are the exact same make and model as the other ones, but they are new ones nonetheless! I mean this news is so big, that I had to blog about it. Jenny and Ali I thought that you might need a little advanced notice so that when you see him on vacation, you will have been warned. LOl, love you Dad!!!!

Ah vacation, coming up in just 2 days. So excited! We are in the process of preparing and packing and all that fun stuff. We will be gone for 7 nights, which is going to be a long one for us, but so much fun. We are going to Tennessee, we have a cabin in the mountains.

Yesterday was fun, I drove out to my grandmother's house about 2 hours away with my mom, dad, 2 of my sister and of course Cameron & Payton. Eric had to work, he could not get off with vacation next week. My aunt from California and her son were there, had not seen them in quite a while. I had not seen my grandmother since Christmas, so it was time to drive out for a visit. This was my first time going there that she could only sit in the chair and not help out with the cooking or anything. That is kind of hard to see, beacause you realize how old and frail she is really getting. I definitely need to make more of an effort to get out there more often for visits. My 2 aunts cooked lunch and it was soooo good. They cooked shrimp stew, stuffed crabs, stuffed artichoke, fried trout and a salad with everything grown in my aunts garden. They even made their own cocktail sauce, tarter sauce & salad dressing. Such a delicious meal!

Well blog friends of mine, I guess that this is the last post until we return from vacation! Hope everyone has a great week! I tried to leave you with a layout that I did last week, but blogger won't let me. I have been slacking in the scrapping department. The creativity level has been set to low! Hopefully the mountains will turn it back up a little!!


Ali said...

So happy Paw's got some new tennis shoes...He will need grips on his shoes definitely for vacation!
We are going to go and visit MawMaw next visit to Lafayette.


darcy said...

Have an amazing vacation.. LOVE TN!!! You come north for vaca?? So weird.. we always go south!! Such is life, eh?

LOVE the title of this post, too. =) Your dad sounds like my pops. Once you like something, you wear it til it falls off. =)

Anonymous said...

can not believe a new pair of teenys is such a big deal

On to Jr. High!