I am very happy to say that after a lot of waiting, Payton's room is done! I love it, and I think that she does too. I will try to include as many pics as blogger will allow.

Her bedding comes from Bombay kids. The first time I saw it, I fell in love with it. It is so cute and so girlie. Her second birthday party was a french poodle theme and I absolutely loved it. It was my favorite party yet. I had tons of fun doing this room as well. I hand painted her name above the bed and the pics on either side. This is one of the pics and the other one is of the eiffel tower. The bed is my absolute favorite. I love all of the pillows on the bed. So, so girlie!! Her favorite color is pink and she wanted to paint her room pink, but since everything in the room is pink, we went with the blue.
We finished the backyard on Friday night. We had help laying the grass both nights. Thanks Mom & Dad! It looks so good. To actually have grass is so nice.
On another note, after we finished laying the grass and came in to eat, Payton threw up everywhere. I was hoping that something had just upset her stomach and it would be over. Well, about every 15 or 20 minutes she was throwing up. If that wasn't bad enough, Cameron woke up at 1 o'clock in the morning throwing up. They basically took turns all night on Friday. Eric & I got absolutely no sleep. And the fun continued for most of the day Saturday. By Sunday, they were finally feeling better. They missed their cousins swimming/pony ride Saturday so they were pretty upset about that. Payton got her new bed in on Friday, and could not sleep in it until Sunday night. At about 2:15 Sunday morning, Eric wakes up throwing up. As I type this on Monday, he is home from work sick. So alas, I guess more plans ruined. I am hoping & praying that I am not next in line.
Well that is about all for the pics today. Blogger has once again cut me off. Will try to include more next time. Have a great July 4th everyone!!
OMGoodness Amber, sounds like you have had a hard time of it with the tummy bugs. hope you don't get it as well!! Love the room, v impressed. Have a good day tomorrow on your big holiday. sarah
Good job on Payton's Room it looks great and very girlie! Nice job on the paintings!
Sorry to hear about the yuckies...but the room looks great! Hang in there!
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